If you jump from 55W to 100W, you need to keep an eye on your wiring and the plug that connects to the light bulb--chances are both are going to start melting with the increased load since they were sized for a smaller load.
If you want to get a bright headlight, you generally have to do some wiring work and add a couple of relays coming right of the battery, and have your headlight switch wired to the relays to select high and low beams. There are plenty of options out there if you look around.
Short of that, you could look into a set of LED or HID riding lights that mount on your forks. They could then be adjusted to give you more side lighting than the headlight does for good peripheral lighting for night rides.
HIDs for headlights come only in low beam, and the reflector needs to be built for the bulb. Unless your motorcycle has two headlights, one for low and one for high, you'd lose your high beam if you went to HID. And, as others have said, the output would be disappointing.