Holder for spare 123s?

For storage a Pelican cases available from places like Battery Station. For carry I carry several spares in a cigar tub.
those little plastic tubes that some cigars come in, screwtop, cheap, and the seam to fit just fine,


not my pic
wall-mart has orange match holders in the camping section that hold 2 cells well. flint on the bottom as a bonus, and like 88 cents.
Pumaman said:
wall-mart has orange match holders in the camping section that hold 2 cells well. flint on the bottom as a bonus, and like 88 cents.

it will hold the 18650? pic pls :)
Paint container from art store holds 3 CR123 perfectly, RCR123 with slight deformation.
mine bought at AW and the other one @ CVS im looking for 18650 holder. maybe later going to walmart to find orange match holder

Since I carry only one spare battery, a large pill fob will work. It's made of plastic and seem to be be watertight. I bought mine from a drug store chain. Jazebra has a metal pill fob that will hold two 123s but they haven't had it in stock for the longest time (been checking once in a great while).
There is a good thread on this subject with lot's of pictures, but I can't find it again.

For a single CR123 battery carry, I remember Ezy-Dose Nitro-Fresh Keychain Pill Fob Deluxe at drug stores like CVS.
They are made of plastic or metal.

EDIT: The metal one is in T4R06's picture above.
Dark Vapor said:
Since I carry only one spare battery, a large pill fob will work. It's made of plastic and seem to be be watertight. I bought mine from a drug store chain. Jazebra has a metal pill fob that will hold two 123s but they haven't had it in stock for the longest time (been checking once in a great while).

Dark Vapor, Do you know if the large pill fob will hold a Rechargeable RCR123 Battery?
For anybody who is LEO - LMT sells holders for 123A batteries that fit into a SOPMOD stock.
Vermonter73 said:
What's AW? CVS?

Sorry I'm still learning the lingo around here!

CVS is CVS drugstore. They may not be in your state.
AW is a dealer here on CPF in the Dealer's Corner section.