Holy Moly...How High Can My Apple Stock Go?

That's great news:thumbsup: Maybe the economy is turning around. I got my 401K statement the other day. After getting depressed the past few quarters reading my statements I didn't really want to look at this one:( I've made back everything I lost and made another 5K on top of it:party: I guess there is something to be said about buying low and being paitient.
It's because the company I work purchased 7 Iphones this week; you are welcome.
I got in a few years ago in the $40-50 range, pre-iPhone. I'm hoping for a split. Even at $200, it is probably still a good long term investment. Apple has such a low share of the computer market that even if the overall industry is flat, they have plenty of room to eat into the likes of HP, Dell, etc. if they get their strategy right.
I got in a few years ago in the $40-50 range, pre-iPhone. I'm hoping for a split. Even at $200, it is probably still a good long term investment. Apple has such a low share of the computer market that even if the overall industry is flat, they have plenty of room to eat into the likes of HP, Dell, etc. if they get their strategy right.

That's a really good start. I got 350 @ 90's
Yep, Apple is going well so I think I'm in for the foreseeable future. I keep kicking myself for selling most of my MA shares. I got in during the IPO around 50 or so and somehow sold most of it at 150 on its way up to 300. I don't even remember why, must have hit a wrong button or something. It's the trades where I end up selling too early that really bug me. It actually feels worse than losing a bit.
Yep, Apple is going well so I think I'm in for the foreseeable future. I keep kicking myself for selling most of my MA shares. I got in during the IPO around 50 or so and somehow sold most of it at 150 on its way up to 300. I don't even remember why, must have hit a wrong button or something. It's the trades where I end up selling too early that really bug me. It actually feels worse than losing a bit.

Yeah, I agree that feels worse. Funny isn't it?

I hope it goes to 300! I know you meant its way up to 200. :kiss:

The one I'm waiting on long term is GE. I'm sitting on a whole bunch I got at $10/share. Talk about running a quality company into the ground. As much as it disgusts me, I'm playing it based on the 'Bama collusion.
I dunno. Their primary revenue is from the ipod and iphone. Both are under serious attack by strong competitors. Furthermore, the word is out about at&t's capacity problems.

Their pc business, while gaining, is minor at best.

And finally... Jobs' health problems is a big unknown. Pancreatic cancer does not play around, sadly.
Apple stock has flirted with $200/share twice before but did not stay there long. I hope this time is different. I also get in at $90 a couple of years ago.

I picked up GE at $7/share earlier this year and I am still kicking myself for not buying Bank of America at the same time. It was near $3/share and I let a friend of mine talk me out of it. I do not know why I listened to him, he thought Sirius XM was a good buy at $5/share.
Yeah, I agree that feels worse. Funny isn't it?

I hope it goes to 300! I know you meant its way up to 200. :kiss:

The one I'm waiting on long term is GE. I'm sitting on a whole bunch I got at $10/share. Talk about running a quality company into the ground. As much as it disgusts me, I'm playing it based on the 'Bama collusion.

May 30, 2008 MA hit 308.65! :banghead: Anyway, I probably wouldn't have sold it at the peak...

I have some GE too. Not sure how I feel about that one.

Back to Apple, I agree about Jobs' health, but his hiatus didn't have much effect on the stock price. The stock also shrugged off the news of his liver transplant, which to me sounds like a rather big deal. It might be a different story if he actually died, though.

Regardless, I think the iPhone is still strong. They have been pushing hard into international markets (China) that to this point have had no direct access to the iPhone. I don't believe that iPhone's sales will be so strongly correllated to ATT's network performance. In the US, I'm sure the RIMM guys are dreading the day that the iPhone becomes a viable enterprise device. Having said all that, I personally do not own an iPhone. But, everyone else around me has one or two and I think the way they lovingly hold it, caress it, defend it against anyone who criticizes it, probably even kiss it or whisper sweet nothings to it when nobody is looking...in the end this is good for the stock.

Apple also seems to want to push into the gaming market, but I think that will have limited impact. You need real buttons for a portable game player. It can't hurt to try, I guess.

Regarding iPods, does anyone else make MP3 players?? :laughing: If so, I haven't heard of them... However, the overall MP3 player market is flat or shrinking. I am very interested to see how the new camera functionality plays out. I don't think Apple got it right yet, but in my mind it's still first blood against the guys at Flip.

For computers, desktops are a dying species, but the iMac is a pretty good compromise between a desktop and notebook. I believe Apple really needs to introduce a premium netbook, like a 10" version of the Air. I keep reading that they are going to do a tablet, but I have doubts about the market for a tablet. Unless they can get the battery life up to where it could reasonably function like a color eBook, I don't see a tablet going anywhere.
For computers, desktops are a dying species, but the iMac is a pretty good compromise between a desktop and notebook. I believe Apple really needs to introduce a premium netbook, like a 10" version of the Air. I keep reading that they are going to do a tablet, but I have doubts about the market for a tablet. Unless they can get the battery life up to where it could reasonably function like a color eBook, I don't see a tablet going anywhere.

I think a 10" tablet/netbook running the iphone OS priced around $400 would sell like hotcakes. Apple would probably sell it for $700 though and shoot itself in the foot.
I think the "corporate culture" is pretty well established even if Jobs leaves. I also watch people using the newer iPhone, using almost all voice commands to do internet searches, and other operations. Then there is the iTouch which I have also seen and been very impressed with as a bridge between iPod and iPhone.

Who knows. I'm more concerned about the lunatics at the helm of the government than I am about Apple management. Basically the way they are running things, the whole country is going down unless something happens quickly to about face spending.

Oh sorry, you were talking about MasterCard MA.
I haven't owned any stocks overnight since I got rid of the last of my MSFT IPO shares a few years ago.

I do a few round-trips a week during gardening/fishing season, and a few a day during the winter, but that's it for me and the stock market these days.

In and out on fast-moving stocks is all the excitement I need.
I think the "corporate culture" is pretty well established even if Jobs leaves

Mmm..not so sure. Jobs has obviously been the ringleader for Apple's long term vision and brilliance at exploiting niche' but very productive markets. Virtually all other American tech companies have an attitude of keep the shareholders happy this month and we'll figure out something for next month when it's next month. Cough *Carly Fiona* cough.

All it takes is a couple fat shareholder's inside that want a quick buy-out, and once they execute the company in that direction it rises and flames out like a super-nova. Job's is most genius in preventing that mentality, and also dancing around MS while taking intelligent jabs and getting market share piece by piece.
Mmm..not so sure. Jobs has obviously been the ringleader for Apple's long term vision and brilliance at exploiting niche' but very productive markets. Virtually all other American tech companies have an attitude of keep the shareholders happy this month and we'll figure out something for next month when it's next month. Cough *Carly Fiona* cough.

All it takes is a couple fat shareholder's inside that want a quick buy-out, and once they execute the company in that direction it rises and flames out like a super-nova. Job's is most genius in preventing that mentality, and also dancing around MS while taking intelligent jabs and getting market share piece by piece.

No question on all points, and his unique value. But by the time Fiona took over HP and screwed the pooch with Compaq it had more of an IBM/Dell/Gateway 'resting on its laurels' & producing a lot of the 'same as everybody else.' Part of Apple's unique ongoing culture has always been rooted in being the geeky little outsider that enjoys making fun of companies like MS in commercials. Added to that is a resilient dedication (even if at a higher price) to elegant, quality, and unique user interface and function.

You are right that their board could pull a Fiona deathblow, but I think this is a quite unique case with an impressive talent pool that is as dedicated to the Apple ideal as much as the customers are. It would take a lot longer to torpedo their golden goose unique culture, and you would have enough time to take stock profits. I also think his near death departure, followed by at least a temporary return has given them a chance to prepare. It does bear close scrutiny though.

I'm ready to see a fresh round of the Mac vs MS commercials now that they think they have rescued themself with Win-7! Those are some of the best on TV.
Well you're certainly welcome, I've done my part and dropped $2,000+ on a Macbook Pro this past wednesday, and for who ever said that apple was in trouble because they were "serious competitors" to the itouch and iphone, i dont believe that one second, the ipod is beating everything else that could be considered competition, if you want an ipod you very very rarely buy something else and if you do youll be kicking yourself until you finally buy an ipod, and the same case for the iphone, hell and their computers as well, nothing compares.
No question on all points, and his unique value. But by the time Fiona took over HP and screwed the pooch with Compaq it had more of an IBM/Dell/Gateway 'resting on its laurels' & producing a lot of the 'same as everybody else.' Part of Apple's unique ongoing culture has always been rooted in being the geeky little outsider that enjoys making fun of companies like MS in commercials. Added to that is a resilient dedication (even if at a higher price) to elegant, quality, and unique user interface and function.

You are right that their board could pull a Fiona deathblow, but I think this is a quite unique case with an impressive talent pool that is as dedicated to the Apple ideal as much as the customers are. It would take a lot longer to torpedo their golden goose unique culture, and you would have enough time to take stock profits. I also think his near death departure, followed by at least a temporary return has given them a chance to prepare. It does bear close scrutiny though.

I'm ready to see a fresh round of the Mac vs MS commercials now that they think they have rescued themself with Win-7! Those are some of the best on TV.
The latest Apple commercial is a scream, although somewhat predictable. I can't wait to see the MS response.

I converted my household to 100% MAC about 6 months before Intel & Apple (I managed an engineering computing team for Intel at the time.) announced the new partnership. I have not looked back since that time, although for a season I was forced to outfit my office with PC's to run MS Interned Exploder
to access some net based apps for the franchise I had purchased. Recently, I went through a round of upgrades for my machines at home. I picked up two iMac's and an Airbook w/ SSHD. The new hardware just keeps getting better and better. Need I say anything about OS10.x ? Apple is not perfect, but, hey, when MS keeps stepping on their business, what else can you expect to happen but for Apple to keep gaining market share. Apple is not perfect by a long stretch, but they're doing more right than wrong, and Microsoft the converse. Win7 seems like a big step in the right direction for MS, but they're so far behind the 8 ball when is comes to the core of Windows...:shakehead We'll see....
And just wait until the software specifically written for Snow Leopard comes out. In a year or so you will start to see OS 10.6 software making some serious waves due to the new tools Apple has given programers with the release of 10.6. The Ars Technica review of SL has some good info. Check out the section on Queues in particular. Lots of processing power is going unused in the multicore computers that 10.6 stuff will start taking better advantage of. Also the GPU, too.

As for Apple stock, since the stockmarket "crash" I've been buying a Fidelity fund with Apple and Google in its mix of stocks (among others--it's the "Contrafund" in case anyone is interested). Before that I was buying gold. And hasn't THAT paid off! But I stopped when gold went high, of course.

In any case, I think Apple stock is a damn good bet, and it was especially a bargain for a while there when the Dow was below 8,000.
Bump, just for fun.

AAPL quotes at $110.40 per share today--on a down day.