Holy ****!! Urgent action needed!...


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 7, 2004
Southern California
The following post came from the slashdot forum:

"The US Food and Drug Administration is considering redefining 'chocolate' to allow substitution of vegetable oil ($0.70/lb.) for cocoa butter ($2.30/lb.), and whey protein for dry whole milk. There are already standard terms to differentiate these products from chocolate, such as 'chocolatey' and 'chocolate-flavored.' The change was requested by the ..Chocolate Manufacturers of America."

The FDA is taking consumer comments (about this change) until April 25.

You can use the link above to submit your opinion of this proposed change directly to the FDA. I sure did..:thumbsdow...:mad:
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near beer = near chocolate?

Might as well eat carobs for those chocoholics that want to wean themselves.

That's not going to be good. I love chocolates! In fact I have a box of them right now!
Is that the filler stuff in cat food that has been in the news recently?
:barf: That stuff will not be bought by me. :thumbsdow

Many US produced chocolates I'd need to refresh my chemistry to understand what is in it. :thumbsdow
I submitted my thoughts as well. Don't mess with our CHOCOLATE, FDA!!!
3 more, here. I think that this didn't make major national news is sickening, as well! We have days worth of crap from a shock jock being an idiot, but our food becomes more like poison and no one even blinks.
moeman said:
I quit. im moving to a new planet....
Hehe - :lolsign: - that's surprisingly a new one on me and it got me good :crackup: Personally I don't eat chocolate anymore as much as I used to like it - mostly 'cause now I know how bad sugar and milk are for you. Yep - I'm one of those health nuts...
No more REAL chocolate!! It will cause some to go MAD I say! Completely MAD! Must have chocolate! :rant:
I just bought a bag of assorted Hersey's dark chocolate miniatures tonight! :grin2: Love 'em with a nice cup of gourmet coffee.
Well, I've always had a secret desire to live in America...but if you guys are gonna tamper with chocolate, I may have stay here in the UK...is nothing sacred anymore?

So there is going to be chocolate "classic style" which contains actual chocolate and new chocolate where the only relation to chocolate is the name on the wrapper?

And then to image that even cadbury is considered unedibly when compared to normal chocolate pralines.
This is a slippery slope... To me this would lead right into synthetic replacement ingredients without having to mention they are lab grown. And all kinds of sinister practices.