Host for 6AA to 2D? Other than Mag


Nov 17, 2005
I've been using Mags with lightly frosted 5 cell bulbs. I put this same setup in a cheap old 2D Garrity and actually liked the beam more then the Mag. The lens on this old Garrity has a collimator in the very middle of the lens about the size of a dime. The hotspot is fantastic! I'm looking for throw. I'm gonna head to the stores this weekend and try to find a 2D light with this same type of lens. Anybody know of any good ones??? It does not have to have a metal reflecter but that would be nice.

Thanks, FishX
A while back I did this for amusement purposes using a Energizer Economy Bright Light and a Garrity G-Tech. Quite honestly, the output quality from both reflectors appeared to be better than that of the Mag, even though I did go back to 2D Mags eventually. Both of the lights have metal reflectors (stamped steel?).

As for "good", I can't really say that they would be either durable or reliable, as my objective was to see what I could put together at as cheap a price I could for the original host body. I paid full bore retail for the Energizer at WalMart (~$1.50?) and I found the Garrity for 50¢ in a clearance bin at a Fry's store. The Energizer has a slide switch, and the Garrity has a push button switch. I used Mag-Num Star 6 cell Xenon bulbs with alkalines to keep the overall cost to about $10, but you could reduce the cost more by using KPR 112 or 118 bulbs.
I picked up a whole bunch of lights today and so far the big fat Garrity Tuff light is the only one that I like. The funny thing is, I liked all the beam patterns better then my Mags. This Garrity is very well built for a cheapo.
Yeah, tell me about it. You're not the only one that noticed that. My problem was that I needed something that would stand up to some abuse as well.

I'm just wondering if it's worth spending $17-20 to get a reflector to fix the output from a $12 Mag. For my usage, it probably isn't, but for others where this could be a frequently used or primary light, I could certainly see doing that.

fishx65 said:
The funny thing is, I liked all the beam patterns better then my Mags.
Hey Bright, This Garrity I got looks like it could take some serious abuse. It's got really thick rubber around it and claims to float and be waterproof. Check it out next time your at a store that has it. I'm gonna return my D mags but keep the C's. I just don't understand the crappy focus system on these Mags! A frosted bulb makes them nice but then you don't even need to use the focus. They are built well though!

It will probably be fine for your use. My usage was/is a bit different and an aluminum bodied light would probably be best, even though it is only a backup light.

fishx65 said:
This Garrity I got looks like it could take some serious abuse.
I had a Garrity that I used for a host. It was a great light until I melted the refector. You are better off buying a vintage light with a metal reflector and a glass lense. It will probably cost you the same amount and be 100 times the quality.
What lights have glass lenses, metal reflectors and use a PR bulb? I got a rayovac sportsman 1970's erra light and the focus is a bit off (fixed it with aluminum foil). Also the bulb holder is made of plastic so potential problem there too.
I have a few flashlights from the 30's and 40's that have metal reflectors, glass lenses, and take pr bulbs. Not all of them are like this, but some are.