Hotwire bulb carrying case


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
well title says it all...

are there any solutions for carrying an assortment of Bi-Pin, potted and PR bulbs in a case???

I am actually talking improvisation and I tend towards the 4xAA battery cases but they seem a bit tight fit. (I have not any to test).

So what do you do?
well title says it all...

are there any solutions for carrying an assortment of Bi-Pin, potted and PR bulbs in a case???

I am actually talking improvisation and I tend towards the 4xAA battery cases but they seem a bit tight fit. (I have not any to test).

So what do you do?

Altoids Tin and foam from hard drive boxes.


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Clip-locking food storage boxes like these are made in different sizes and styles. I have lots of them in different sizes for storing various items. With foam inserts, they are ideal for bulbs.


guys thanks for the tips. But I am more in the pocket size category.

My first hotwire will be a 6AA one, so with 2 4xAA carriers there will be room for the abtts plus 2 bulbs. I also checked that one can fir a PR bulb and a TLE-1F module in the mag cap.

enjoy, Kostas