How accurate is your C9000?


Dec 18, 2006
I had a LaCrosse BC-900 that seemed very accurate until it melted one day (V32). When I say accurate, I mean if I was testing a new set of eneloops, I got almost the same capcacity (20xx mAh, with differences of 10-20 mAh or less between the cells).

I received a replacement from LaCrosse (V33) and this one always showed about 20% more current going in in slot #2 and about 10-15% less when discharging. The other 3 slots were not so bad, but definitely more variance than the first charger.

Now I am testing a new Maha C9000, and I am testing a set of (I believe good) eneloops and they only seem to measure about 1600-1800 mAh, when charging (yes, they were discharged on the C9000). I am doing the test for a second time, but I am a little bit surprised about the lower capacity and the larger variance.

Next I am going to test a brand new set that I just bought at costco, in fact 2 sets (I got that pack with the $9 off coupon).

So back to the main question: how accurate is your C9000 charger?
You should be aware that the C9000 terminates the charge very conservatively with Eneloops and similar cells. This is kinder to the cells in the long run, but it means they will not get charged quite to the max compared to some other chargers. If you leave them on the C9000 for two hours after "DONE" they will get a top up charge that brings them closer to being really full.