How dedicated (or addicted) are you?


Mar 5, 2010
St. Louis, MO
I know there is a thread "You know your a flashaholic when..." that is for laughs.

But...has anyone done anything that truly signifies you're a real flashaholic?

Examples would be:
Named something (pet, child , etc.) with a flashlight related name or nickname? (ex. a dog named Surefire?)
Gave your flashlight a nickname or person's name?
Have (or had) flashlight related personalized license plates?
Have a flashlight related tattoo (post pics if appropriate)?
Been given a flashlight related nickname by non-flashaholic friends or family?

I'm sure there may be more that a "dim" (as in new to the affliction, not low I.Q.!) flashaholic like my self hasn't thought of.
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I know there is a thread "You know your a flashaholic when..." that is for laughs.

But...has anyone done anything that truly signifies you're a real flashaholic?

Examples would be:
Named something (pet, child , etc.) with a flashlight related name or nickname? (ex. a dog named Surefire?)
Gave your flashlight a nickname or person's name?
Have (or had) flashlight related personalized license plates?
Have a flashlight related tattoo (post pics if appropriate)?
Been given a flashlight related nickname by non-flashaholic friends or family?

I'm sure there may be more that a "dim" (as in new to the affliction, not low I.Q.!) flashaholic like my self hasn't thought of.

I believe that being anything-aholic is related mainly to the fact that the "hobby" is harmful and disruptive to some other aspects of your life. IMHO none of the examples above really qualify.
I believe that being anything-aholic is related mainly to the fact that the "hobby" is harmful and disruptive to some other aspects of your life. IMHO none of the examples above really qualify.

So, I guess if you're going to take everything by its literal definition, probably should have the "flashaholic" status removed from 99% of the members as it is just a hobby. :ironic:

The reason for the post was to see what lengths people have taken their love of flashlights.

Sorry if you didn't like the post. Maybe someone else will.

I realize that's you're opion...and I respect that. My reply is not intended as a personal attack, more of a clarification/justification. :)
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So, I guess if you're going to take everything by its literal definition, probably should have the "flashaholic" status removed from 99% of the members as it is just a hobby. :ironic:

There is no reason to remove the "flashaholic" status. By referring to a literal definition I just try to draw a line between "people having a problem with their addiction" (this is what a *-aholoic means for me) and "people who like to think about themselves that they are geek / extravagant / different" (this is what *-aholic means for people who like to have this label on themselves).

The reason for the post was to see what lengths people have taken their love of flashlights.

Does sleeping with LF5XT qualify? I have received it just a few days ago and wanted to have it really close :grin2: Cannot name a cat after that, because the only one I have already has a name.

Sorry if you didn't like the post. Maybe someone else will.

I realize that's you're opion...and I respect that. My reply is not intended as a personal attack, more of a clarification/justification. :)

I like the post, I just didn't understand it's intentions properly. Maybe it is a matter of a language barrier. Please consider this statement to be a clarification on my side :)
Yavox...thanks for your clarification of my clarification:thinking: :wave:. I totally understand any misinterpretation due to the language barrier. One of the things I think is so great about this site is the gathering of so many "flashaholics" from all over the globe! :grouphug:

I have cradled my Quark Turbo like a baby and rocked it after a long period of not using it. I feel like I've been ignoring it, paying all my attention to my EDC light!
I believe I was a flashaholic long before finding The LED Museum and CPF. Through the years I had always been attracted to lights, mainly cheap small ones. Not much has changed except now they are LEDs and occasionally a fairly expensive (to me) light is bought. The main trait that would brand me a flashaholic, I think, is that I'm still hanging around here and enjoying it every bit as much as that day of revelation when I discovered I was not alone.

Sitting here spinning my LF2XT in my hand, like always,

My buddy knows how much I like LEDs and has dubbed me "The Incandescent Bas***d" to drive me nuts. He knows it works too.

That's just mean...hehehe! :hahaha:

Hey LED, saw you were going to be away awhile. Hopefully you can have a light (or two) with you while your gone. Take care. :wave:
At work, I'm "Sure-Fire ______" (Last Name). Bad, huh? LOL!

Two people placed a bet on how many lights I had on me (back pack was included...I'm not that bad...yet...)during an exercise...the guy waging the bet said I had no more than 13...and I had 15, so he lost...
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I'm under control, my addiction is limited by my disposable income.
One of my justifications to making and having alot more than the average amount of hand-held lights and customs is that I work nights, and I like to tinker on pushing the envelope in form factors i.e. how much light can technology pack into a stock maglite host etc..

BTW it's understandable that =aholic might have some negative conotations to the un-initiated, but it's not necesarily a seriously negative thing.

Flashaholic is one example where it can be a harmless obsession/compulsion/hobby, unless of course you spend the mortgage money which most here do not do.

The definition is an obsession or compulsion, alcohol is obviously has more downsides in excess than flashlights do, but that's not to take away from the wide array of usages of this suffix.

Workaholic is another example, etc..
lol @ naming ur kid after ur light...but then again, i guess having a name like Fenix or Ti is better than a lot of names i have actually seen.

If I drop a light I have to message the lens with a soft cloth until it feels "better".
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That's just mean...hehehe! :hahaha:

Hey LED, saw you were going to be away awhile. Hopefully you can have a light (or two) with you while your gone. Take care. :wave:

Haha, Thanks man.
My preparation papers actually say to bring a "small flashlight and batteries". I think I'll take an SSC P7 and one of my modded Spotlights with the XP-E's. :devil:

I actually don't think that devil smiley goes here as Im going on the Lord's errand. ;)
U know you're addicted when you work for a portable lighting company owned by someone focused and blinkered!

The trials we face in life are self-specific and for our time that we may overcome and better ourselves for a later time and purpose.3 Nephi 12:16 Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

I like that siggy!!!
I make myself known as "the light guy" by devising solutions to other's lighting problems, fixed or portable. I once had a hamster named "lumen." :thinking: I polish my lights with hot water before I venture in for my shower, etc

I don't feel dedicated or addicted at all, I managed to quell the disease and simply exercise my existing lights without inclination for better lights. I just purchased a Luxeon based Fenix P1 and a bunch of luxeon I stars, heck with this XRE XPE crap, who says higher efficiency and higher brightness is always better?:shakehead
Having dozens of CNC machined flashlights in brass, stainless steel, aluminum, and titanium in sizes for almost any battery and a line item in the household budget doesn't mean we are addicted. I prefer to think of it as just prepared for darkness, zombies, stuff like that....
Lets see, something like 3 new torches in less then 2 months..Its like something else I cant think of, the more you get..the more you want.:naughty:
Nice logo but...trouble is, without the letters all I can think of is "Thundercats".

Are you sure that's what you want people to recognize??

In addition, it is a little like having a big yellow "M" tattoo. McKnow what I Mcmean?

The light that burns twice as bright makes the heart grow fonder...