How did I mess up my MiniMag?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 22, 2008
I took my MiniMag apart to see if it was compatible for the LED conversion kit I saw at Meijers recently. It seemed I had to pry the top cap off and when I did, the cap, the bulb, and a little metal contact thingy went flying. I was able to put it back together (I think) but when I twist the head it only lights at "flood" and there's no tapering to spot. And the amount of twist that keeps the light on is much shorter now.

How do I get it back to it's regular flood and spot condition? Thanks.
I've never taken apart a regular Minimag, just a MagLED, but I'm guessing the switch assembly is not put together correctly and the bulb may be sitting too high.
I'm not sure what's happened, but on mine the top screws off, you shouldn't pry it off.
He's not talking about the head of the light screwing off he's talking about the black plactic switch assembly in the incan mini mag I think? Chech you have both the wee metal contacts that the bulb pushes into its easy to lose the one that comes out.

I think pried off that little plastic thing under the bulb.. and it should go back pretty simply. Just put the batteries back in and see that they dont push the plastic thing under the bulb too high(when the head is taken off). It should be around 1 or max 2mm above the aluminum body when in "on" position. And there should be no cap when it's in the off position.
So check that the two plastic parts are attached in right way.
I found this link but it doesn't help me figure out what's wrong.
I think the pictures and instructions in that link are about as clear as they could make them. I'd suggest dismantling it again and then carefully reassembling it according to those instructions. If that doesn't work, you could order a replacement switch assembly from Mag...?

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