how do I remove the switch from my PD30 to replace with tactical one?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2007
Bozeman, Montana
I bought a tactical switch from 4-7's to replace the current one, but don't know how to remove the old one. Any help would be fantabulous.

Inside the tailcap there's a ring with two holes that holds the switch and the rubber boot. With a pair of long nose pliers you simply unscrew this ring and replace the switch.
tried that, but I think mines glued in or something. Was told by 4-7s this might be the case. Now what:thinking::thinking::thinking:

You mean you are not able to unscrew the ring?

Try to soften up the glue by warming the tailcap. The switch is made of plastic, do not melt it.
I'll try that. Even if I fry the current switch, as long as I get it out, I have two other switches to replace it with.

The threads on the switch in my new LD10 are reverse threads. If you have a newer PD30 they are likely reverse threads also. Try that.
The threads on the switch in my new LD10 are reverse threads. If you have a newer PD30 they are likely reverse threads also. Try that.

Yes try in reverse if that don't work it may be glued I have see a few like that and it sucks best bet is to boil it if its glued.
Boil it? If that doesn't work then I'm stuck with a switch that doesn't work in a non functioning light. Guess I have no choice then.

Thanks to all.


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