How do they do that?

Yeah, and the L2D, L1D, P2D, LOD. I have my MiniMag set up like that. There is an o-ring sealing the lens. You can just replace it with a GITD one which charges when the light is in use.
how do you get it to stay in the head.does it have to be a tight fit?

my bad i just got what you meant.
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It's squeezed between the lens and top lip of the head, same as the o-ring that's in there when you buy it.
yeh most lights have o-rings at the lens to help keep water and possibly dust out. You just need to find the right sized one and also take apart the head to replace the one in there already and screw it all back together. The trouble with fenix and alot of other quality lights is that they usually put glue on it to keep it tighter and stop people from taking it apart and modding it which voids their warranty but it is still doable as many have succeeded in taking it apart fenix lights

I've done that with my Jet-I IBS, although the gitd o-ring i put in was a tad smaller than the original as well as thicker so the head doesnt screw down as far now and the o-ring sticks out abit

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I have a stupid question but here goes.I just ordered some blue gitd o r ings for my fenix p3d.And i was thinking could i stretch them to fit in to my 4D maglite(like a head gitd mod)?.In the description on deals extreme it says there stretchy so il give it a go in a couple of days when i recive them.
Yeah the light blue gitd 18mm ones pretty stretchy and glow fairly bright as well...Ive managed to stretch it over a 6cm wide round bottle without breaking. I dont think it can stretch too much more than that tho.
haha i was the one who posted that picture...i didnt do it very well and the flashlight was a piece of junk, i lose the tail cap and now i salvage the Rebel 100 from that light. But it did give a nice after glow not for long though.
I just ordered a pack of every different size of GITD o-ring they carried at the time so I would be covered for just about anything I wanted to do with them.
Yeah thats the thing about gitd o-rings...they glow bright enough to read/see things a few cms away for less than a min but then they dim down. It's something cool to have but not really all that useful but i've stuck them on every gap i can find on my flashlights since i got them:laughing:
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Minor pet peeve - the generic nature of the title of this thread "how do they do that" should have been far more descriptive so we don't have to waste time looking here to figure out what this thread is about, and make it easier for future readers to find this info if they're truly interested.

The title of this thread should have been "how do they put Glow In The Dark o-rings on these lights" or something like that.

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