How do you hau.. carry around your equipment?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 17, 2007
Turku, Finland
I have been thinking some sort solution to start carrying my flashlight (P3D at this time) among other things everyday. I haven't yet figured out a good solution to do it that would as convinient as taking your car or home keys with you everyday. I have thought of a climbing carabiner solution to take my flashlight, usb flash drives, keys etc. in one convinient package that wouldn't be too bulgy. Long story short (too late), give me your solutions and experiences to this fundamental problem :)
Carabiners have always worked well for me :) Quick and easy to remove what you need, and obviously it can be clipped somewhere convenient and out of the way when not in use.

I can't say I've used them with anything the size of a P3D, but my Arc AAA lives on a carabiner clipped to my belt.

This is what gets dragged around al the time in my pockets. The pocket that each of these ends up in depends upon what I'm wearing.

The lights are:
2x Fauxton
1x freebie with compass
1x UltraFire 602C (10440)
1x Fenix E0
1x AWR Nano (Which normally lives in the car taped to the dash)
1x Photon Rex
1x Saab alarm remote (Well, it does have 2 LEDs in it!)

I do have to replace the pocket linings regularly. This lot contains my house keys, the family house keys, the work keys and the car keys. Anyone who can duplicate the keys from this pic is welcome to try to get the alarm codes and the security codes necessary to use these keys. Or the details of my bank account on top of a statement of which these keys are sitting.

If you can get into where I live and work from this image, you are welcome to my overdraft.......
The P3D would probably fit nicely in a horizontal belt pouch available at County Comm and some other places. If you want to go vertical with it then check out the flashlight holsters at

For flash drives and other odds and ends I use either my key chain or a small neoprene pack originally made for glasses. It slips into my jacket pocket or the bag/backpack I'm using that day. Makes it easier to get all the stuff I use moved between bags w/o forgetting anything. If I have the room I use the larger packs in the photo below.


(neoprene pack far right, other packs serve the same purpose with more items)

Good luck,
I just use the holster that was supplied with my P3D.

It looks flimsy, but is surprisingly durable.
I am glad to see this post started.

I have had this conundrum (is that a word?) for a long time and it is becoming quite frustrating. I have gone thru many stages with my EDC and have been called many things like Batman, Inspector Gadget etc. etc.

Unfortunately there are no stores locally that carry pouches and such doodads . I have even resorted to making my own Kydex holsters with limited success. I also use carabiners but have found the desire to pare those down also. I look in the mirror and I must admit I look like a Xmas tree or a mountain climber with all the carabiners attached to various belt loops.
I have now come to the point where it is all becoming an annoyance and have started looking at the smallest form factor available in lights and such. I really can not stand the bulk anymore and also the jingling as I walk i sound like Santa Claus' reindeer. Plus, I am always checking everything to make sure I havnt lost anything . I know many of you out there have had that drop in the pit of your stomach when you reach down and your $150 flashlight is gone!!! For me it is usually in the car somewhere and found after a frantic 5 minute search and rescue.
Add to all this trying to sit in a car comfortably or when I come home at nite and want to flop on the couch , if all my stuff isnt on quick detach platforms it is a pain in the butt to "Gear Down".
I realized I had a problem when I was stressing out about where to carry a spare battery and then a spare switch and a backup light to my main flashlight. If I followed the creed of having a backup for everything ( a sound idea but not EDC practical) I would need to start wearing suspenders to hold it all up. as it is I am hitching up my pants every 5 minutes.

I was contemplating weraing a AAA ligh on a ball chain around the neck. Anyone do that? I have reduced knife carry to a Spyderco Native (about 2.5 oz.?) I cant go smaller than that. That is the other problem also. I have fairly large hands so I have trouble manipulating tiny gadgets. this is why I have held off on AAA lites up to now.

I look at other people day to day out in the world and I find myself envying them for their carefree mimimalist approach. some just have a cell phone clipped to the waistline and i cant even see any KEYS!!! How do they do it? It sure looks good. I catch myself fantasizing about being able to sit down and not readjusting 5 different things and yet always having something sticking into some part of my anatomy.

If others have solutions please help the rest of us slobs here?:shrug:
I too had been searching for a small utility bag/pouch to carry my EDC items and have finally settled on the Anemone belt pouch from Maxpedition, which I've been using now for several months.

It can hold a small EDC light of up to 4 1/2" in length like a Novatac or E1L, a Leatherman multi-tool, Mag Solitaire, thumb drive, and a few other small things. My Kershaw Storm will be riding in it when it gets here next week.
Pelican cases or directly stuffed in my pockets or in the backpack. I don't carry a lot of stuff on me though, I like to "travel light" as Jack Nicholson said...
Here's my two cents. For a long time I've carried keys on a carabiner, which hangs on a peg When I'm home. For sometime now, that goes in my right pocket and my pocketlight (for some time it's been a NovaTac) goes in the left.

Now, here's the brilliant part. I have a finger lanyard on most of my small lights, made out of paracord or a ball chain, like from dog tags but shortened. So, when I come in and hang up my keys, the flashlight gets hung on the 'biner, and then they separate again when I leave. This is just my system to keep organized.

I usually have a Leatherman in my briefcase or some other man-bag, but I find I use a light a lot more, so I'm more worried about always having it handy.

On EDC forums, there was a guy that sewed titanium rings into his pocket. He then used either small lobsters or carabiners to clip stuff to them with a little bit of paracord. It seemed like a neat way to handle it and it kept the stuff from bunching up.
On EDC forums, there was a guy that sewed titanium rings into his pocket. He then used either small lobsters or carabiners to clip stuff to them with a little bit of paracord. It seemed like a neat way to handle it and it kept the stuff from bunching up.

Here is a link to that thread on EDC Forums.
if any one remembers, i always say that my keys have gotten to the point where the keys should be removable.

DSC00657.jpg of today, my keys are on a Seperate Keyring, Attached to the rest of my stuff with a Generic Spring Steel clip. Its finally happened. Welcome to the twilight zone.Its doesnt get very dark around here though.

Left to right
Keys with Clip
Fauxton for giving away to people who need a light.
Photon Microlight
Leatherman P4
Mini Sharpie
Andy Gold's "small" glo-fob...hey these are getting quite popular
Lanyard Whistle from BST.
ARC-P DS with tritium fob...this is the pride of my keyring..
NDI in Dual Kydex Holster from LITEmania, AA E2 in the spare slot, 14500 installed. Gloring,Rubber Gasket and o ring on a lanyard.
Far right- LOD with Microstream body, with Reflective Lanyard.

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P3D is my EDC. I slide it in my back pocket right along side of my walet. I can't even feel it's there. I don't put anything in my front pocket except a knife clipped to my front right. My keys are on a swivel/spring loaded type carrier with various key fobs and a L0D all clipped to a belt loop.