How do you open a Dell TC030 9 cell?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 10, 2010
I am cracking open and harvesting my first crop of laptop batteries tonight. I've pretty easily gotten into all of them that are not this style (TC030) style. These are the 9 cell extended batteries, and I've also found the standard life of this style to be equally as difficult to open. Is there any trick to doing this easily? Thank you CPF! :thumbsup:
I'm also faced with a similiar issue - a 3 cell netbook battery which I need to rebuild, that is welded together so well it wont prise apart even after drilling a starter hole (carefully). I'm going to try cutting it open with a dremel. The starter hole allowed me to see that I have ~3-4mm of clearance between the case and plastic seam so if I am careful I can dremel it open.

Maybe that will work for you?

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