How do you protect the glass lens?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 5, 2002
My previous key chain light, a Premium Arc AAA didn't need anything to protect the lens as it seemed pretty bulletproof with that epoxy covered LED and no real lens. However, I recently purchased a SS Fenix LD01 to replace it and this light has a glass lens that I am concerned will be scratched by keys, change, etc...

I haven't tried it yet, but I seem to recall someone mentioning somewhere that a chapstick cap will fit, but I'm also looking for other suggestions. Or is it something I shouldn't worry about?
I have not had any problems with any of my lights but one. I have some that are Pyrex, some that are Glass, and some that are Mineral Crystal. None including my keychain lights have had any problems except my Jetbeam III M that has stress cracks in the lens, and I'm not sure why. I'm still waiting on a replacement 3-4 weeks later and haven't heard a word.

Glass doesn't really scratch that easily, but around keys it could happen. And I like to keep the pocket lint out of my light threads. They do make keychain pouches that protect your light.
Except for a keychain light, you are probably most likely to break the lens while you are using it, so not much you can do about that.

Most of the better flashlight companies would send you or sell you a replacement lens if it came down to that.
Well, I guess by the time it's scratched enough for it to bother me it will probably be time (and a good excuse) to upgrade. Maybe get one of those Ti LiteFluxes with the sapphire lens. :)

I was just wondering if anyone else had issues with the lens scratching from keys or pocket change.
I have had my LOD CE natural on my keychain for going on two years, and nary a scratch can be found on the glass. I don't think there is anything to worry about there. The body has some marks, but that is to be expected.

My LOD and Illumina Ti are inside a plastic tube (magic marker tube) cut to size then split down the side, with the light placed inside I wrapped some electrical tape around it for snug fit, its also possible to put a cap over the end for extra protection if needed. Its not the prettiest thing but my lights wont get all scratched up.
I don't think that scratches on the glass lens are something you have to worry about. If I remember correctly, glass actually ranks higher on Moh's hardness scale than steel.
I don't think that scratches on the glass lens are something you have to worry about. If I remember correctly, glass actually ranks higher on Moh's hardness scale than steel.

Bingo, I'm surprised that nobody mentioned this before! Thats why I never worry about scratches on the lenses of my lights.
Even if you get sand in your pocket you'll have a hard time scratching the glass itself. Unless you go trying to clean the lens with a sandy, grit filled cloth you won't need to worry about it.
I've had several different lights bouncing around in my pockets with my keys over the years and I haven't found any scratches on any of my lenses.

My advice...don't worry about it.
Dont worry about I admit I use to also but after a long time carrying a LD01 and now a PD10 on my keychain i've had no scratches even if i did scratch i wouldn't care.

I seem to worry a little when a get a new keychain light but after that wow a new light romance wears off I really dont care. Now if it was one of my favorite EDC lights I carry in a holster on my belt I would get a little agitated but I have never scratched one and its not from treating them gently or anything i can be hard on some lights. Now dropping them and taking a chunk out of the finish that would ruin my day if its one of favorite lights, I just consider keychain lights are gonna get beat up from the get go and leave it at that.

Like many have mentioned above I guess it is harder to scratch then one would think.
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Plastic lenses and bare LED's get scratched up in my pockets, but I'll be darned if I can tell any difference in their performance from new. Glass stands up 10x better, so I wouldn't even give it a second thought...
How do you protect the glass lens?

Well, You Don't. if it breaks, you replace it. If it scratches, you wouldn't notice it. If you do, replace it.

Now this can be closed....:whistle: