How exactly does the pre-order work?

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Newly Enlightened
May 14, 2008
I am fairly new to the flashlight addiction. I have been lurking here for quite some time now. I have tried the search function, but did not find this info.

How exactly does the pre order work?(Optimus) Is for example, Battery Junction guaranteed a specific number of units, or will they accept an endless number of "pre orders" and ship the units out as they get them. Could I end up waiting longer to get one on a pre-order? Or will Surefire wait until they have XX thousands of them before the unit is released???

You should call the dealer you are thinking of getting one from and see just how they do it.

SureFire will ship to the dealers as soon as the lights are ready and they think they have enough supply to meet the initial demand. IMO
Some dealers ask for payment up front in advance, others just put up a sign up list with no payment involved. In either case you are pretty much stuck out waiting and waiting for the product to come out,which is usually several weeks later than originally planned, and these threads are innundated with people posting popcorn modes on and on.

If no money is put out front, you have nothing to lose provided your interest is genuine and no harm is done to the dealer.

Dealer discussions, explanations of their services and such should be discussed in the MarketPlace rather than the flashlight discussion forums. This question in particular would be best asked in the Dealers' Corner.

We'll close this one. We look forward to your participation in the MarketPlace.
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