How heavily do you use/abuse your lights?


Jan 22, 2007
Denver, CO
Like the title says, how hard are you on your lights?

I just got off the phone with Milkyspit, who I must say is quite the gentleman, and one of the topics of conversation is lights that actually get used. We're all guilty of shelfing things deemed far too nice to risk damage, but the ones we do "sacrifice" with the mentality that it's a tool to be used for it's intended purpose, that's what I'm curious about.

I submit my most and least used lights. Twins. Both are an E2D bezel ring and body, a black KL4 head and Z68 tailswitch from the M600 Scout light, and the longer E2L Outdoorsman clip. The shelf-queen version was built about a month after the original when I realized that I had found my ideal EDC carry light (before I came to appreciate my new ML1, WOW) and wanted a spare to step in if mine was ever lost, stolen, destroyed, or otherwise compromised. I've used mine for many different uses above and beyond it's light-producing qualities. Opened bottles, pried out nails (before I became familiar with what Mr. Atwood creates), at one point I even used it in tandem with my wallet to improvise a door-stop.

So lets see and hear what you do to and with your most valued lights, and lets thank those that have created/crafted/engineered the lights we all call our EDC. My thanks go out to Scott, who managed to replace this war-torn light on the right with his beloved ML1.

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my most heavily used light is my EDC.
It's small and extra bright.
It gets used hard.
I'm going into a rant here. . . but I never understand people that buy Surefires because they are tough and dependable, but then get some DX junk light as a "beater light."

I would not wilfully abuse a light, but I found that a SL propolly can take a beating and still look as good as new.
Not exactly in the totally beat em up relm, but my LOP's been hanging off my belt loop via the lobster claw for about a year now, and I'm beginning to wonder when the little hole on the light where the lobster attaches is going to wear all the way through and drop away.
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Everytime I take a close look at my new L0D CE it seems to have a new blemish or crater in it. It certainly has a lot of character now, I suppose. Should I line all my jean pockets with microfiber? :D
I recently got an E2D and I've always wondered how people got the strike bezel onto the KL4 head. Is it a hard process?

Anyway, I put a LF EO-E2R bulb in my new E2D with some RCR123A's (my E2D I just got from B/S/T is scottsdale engraved like yours, I think the previous owner got one from one of your recent sells :grin2:) and it's pretty much my EDC now, but I was thinking about getting another to stick on the shelf as well!

Sometimes I carry my A2 instead if I decide to wear cargos (for some reason I like incans now...)

Like the title says, how hard are you on your lights?

I just got off the phone with Milkyspit, who I must say is quite the gentleman, and one of the topics of conversation is lights that actually get used. We're all guilty of shelfing things deemed far too nice to risk damage, but the ones we do "sacrifice" with the mentality that it's a tool to be used for it's intended purpose, that's what I'm curious about.

I submit my most and least used lights. Twins. Both are an E2D bezel ring and body, a black KL4 head and Z68 tailswitch from the M600 Scout light, and the longer E2L Outdoorsman clip. The shelf-queen version was built about a month after the original when I realized that I had found my ideal EDC carry light (before I came to appreciate my new ML1, WOW) and wanted a spare to step in if mine was ever lost, stolen, destroyed, or otherwise compromised. I've used mine for many different uses above and beyond it's light-producing qualities. Opened bottles, pried out nails (before I became familiar with what Mr. Atwood creates), at one point I even used it in tandem with my wallet to improvise a door-stop.

So lets see and hear what you do to and with your most valued lights, and lets thank those that have created/crafted/engineered the lights we all call our EDC. My thanks go out to Scott, who managed to replace this war-torn light on the left with his beloved ML1.

In all honesty I don't need to use my lights any more than the average non-flashaholic. Of course, like all of us here, I will put them to contrived uses after the sun goes down. And, none of them really gets abused. They get more wear from being in my pocket than from actual use. This doesn't mean I like them any less than a heavy user.

I recently got an E2D and I've always wondered how people got the strike bezel onto the KL4 head. Is it a hard process?

Not really. I picked up a pair of Cobalt brand rubber strap wrenches from Lowes and put some elbow grease into it. Once you've got both heads apart, clean some of the dried sealant residue off of the threads and swap 'em out. I didn't bother to reseal mine, they really snug up nice and tight. Besides, this is Arizona, I don't even know what water is.

If you have any other questions, let me know, I'll try to help if I can...
My most heavily used light used to be a 2-C MagLED. Used it every day at work while patrolling darkened office floors. It has a slight ding on one spot of the bezel and there are far-too-many-to-count light scratches on the plastic lens. But it still works great.

The nature of my job changed a bit, and the light became too big. Now I just keep it in my locker at work in case of a Blackout. So now I use my Surefire L4 as my main work light. It's also my usual EDC. The black finish along the very sides of the clip is starting to come off. But perfect in all other respects.
My EDC was a Fenix L2P w/ Nekomane 123 adapter. It was used several times a day, sometimes for longer periods(5-15 mins), dropped, rolled thrown, frozen, washed, etc. It has nicks on the corners of bezel and tail, and very slight wear on the tops of the knurling on the adapter. Overall, it is still presentable.

Now, I have been carrying a G2 w/ Solatek drop in. I power it w/ 17670s. It is used constantly. Sometimes it is a work light, and just sits to light up a room or area. No problems w/ either of the lights.

My lights are tools, but they do not seem to be any worse for the wear.
A SF Z3 w/black M2 bezel gets most of my use. All of my rough use, I guess. It gets dropped regularly on steel or concrete, banged off steel ladders and handrails when hanging by the lanyard, covered in grease or chemicals, occasionally some tar, and "salted" up with ammonia sulfate almost nightly.
This light also gets activated over a thousand times a week.
I've almost worn out a second Z41 tailcap boot, and have the next Z41 standing by.
All my lights get used, but i don't abuse them. If i drop it and it gets scratched or dings....ok. I'll throw a small light to someone, toss it in a bag or a pocket, HA doesn't even look used when you use it as lightly as me.