How many of you have always loved flashlights?

Guy's Dropper

Jul 30, 2008
Southern California
I've been obsessed with flashlights since I was five, and my enthusiasm for flashlights has not wavered since then. I have gone from admiring the different artifacts and uneven beam patterns of cheap plastic lights, to admiring the size and quality of Maglites all the way up to the LED revolution. However, I've read that many new members become interested in flashlights through this forum. How many of you have always loved flashlights, and how many started your collections as a result of reading through CPF?
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I have always loved them but I must say that I am on an obsessive new high with today's newer technology and since it's changing so fast I find that I must try to slow myself down to become a more educated buyer. I'll always love my old school flashlight collection that I partly inherited from my father.

Actually, the light that he and I used to work on the car together with has somehow disappeared and I believe that my recent obsession is subliminally due in part for me to try and find what has been lost. That flashlight is kinda like the "Rosebud" moment in Citizen Kane for me, I believe that it was actually copper or a similar alloy because it had a beautiful orange patina and dented quite easily.:candle: Thanks Dad!
The fascination has been with me since I can remember (I'm guessing since I was ~6-8 years old), but it took CPF many years later to really get the fire going.
From childhood. We used to live 30 yards away from a Radio Shack back in the 70's, and they used to have coupons in the back of their bi-weekly newsletter for a free red plastic 2x AA rocker switch torch. I couldn't wait to pick up my free torch every fortnight. The guys at the shop must have wondered what the hell I was doing with so many. (Junior-EDC as it happened.) Mind you, they were the cheapest construction known to man so they probably figured that 2 weeks was their life span in the hands of a child! I also got free batteries through the Radio Shack Battery Club. Those own brand cells were also the cheapest construction known to man. Ahh the good old days!
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I have been fascinated with lights since I was a kid.I have been checking the flashlight aisle/displays long before I discovered CPF.Always looking for another flashlight that I needed for......
Finally I found Flashlight Reviews, then CPF and gave up on justification.:D
I loved Flashlights since i was like 7, i still remmember How exited i was when i got my first light, it was Mag mini... good old times.
I can remember when i was five and laid up in bed with a really bad cold.My parents asked me if they could get me anything to cheer me up.I said i wanted that waterproof flashlight that i was asking for that was in the local hardware store.They got it for me and the first thing i did was crawl out of bed and head straight for the tub! Even back then i had to make sure my lights did what they said.
I'm told I flushed my first fish-shaped squeeze light down the toilet when I was 3 because the fish needed to be in water but I don't remember it.

I do remember when I was quite young I just to like different shaped flashlights because I would imagine they were spaceships and when I turned the light on that was the rocket engine making it go forward...

I've always had an (un?)healthy fascination with lights though, my GF finds this humorous since I pretty much hate bright lamps and overhead lights yet I carry a "portable sun" on my belt or in my pocket.
I was just a few years old when I was given a small blue plastic torch in the form of a crouching dog. The bulb was in its open mouth and its body held an AA cell. It was turned on and off by means of a push button protruding from its bottom. I had so much enjoyment from that torch. I can remember using it underneath the bedclothes where it was dark. (I'm sure we've all done that sort of thing, haven't we?) Later, I was given a crouching rabbit (yellow), but it was always the dog which was my favourite. Recently, I actually found a photograph of the dog, but in yellow, on a flashlight museum website, and it brought back many happy memories.

In the late 1940s it was only a few years after the war and things were in short supply. I'd be six or seven years old. One Christmas, Woolworths had some Christmas lights. I think they were the first I'd ever seen and I pestered my mother to buy some. They were in a string of twelve MES lamp holders and the bulbs were bought separately. These were displayed on the counter which consisted of horizontal boarding around which were vertical glass sides about six inches high. Into this counter were poured (and I do mean poured) the bulbs. The bottom of the counter was covered by a layer of broken glass, so care was required when selecting the bulbs.

Anyway, money was fairly tight in those days, so my mother bought a string of twelve lamp holders and I was allowed to choose two bulbs, and off home we went. I inserted the two bulbs, but as it was mains electricity we were dealing with, my mother decided that my father, who knew even less about electricity than I did, should plug them in to the wall socket. (There was just the one 2pin socket in the whole house in those days!) My mother and I stood cowering at the opposite end of the room as my father plugged them in. Nothing! I was so disappointed. Tell you what though, I was an inquisitive little chap, and quickly learned about series circuits! Next time we went to town, ten more were bought and so began a love hate relationship with series wired Christmas lights.

When I found CPF, it was like a dream come true. I always thought I was the only one interested in these sort of things, but I now know that there are at least fifty thousand of us!

John L
I also got free batteries through the Radio Shack Battery Club. Those own brand cells were also the cheapest construction known to man. Ahh the good old days![/quote]

I remember that too! What I don't remember is why they gave out the free batteries. It was like one a month, right?
I can remember when i was five and laid up in bed with a really bad cold.My parents asked me if they could get me anything to cheer me up.I said i wanted that waterproof flashlight that i was asking for that was in the local hardware store.
Now that was a bad cold if it had to be waterproof! :eeew:

I remember that too! What I don't remember is why they gave out the free batteries. It was like one a month, right?

Yeah I think that's right. And you had a little membership card too. Boy we must have been a couple of real geeks if the only club we could join was a battery club. Such a sad childhood! :nana:
I know exactly how my flashoholism started. As a kid, my dad would constantly complain about how he can never find a flashlight. (usually , me or my brother would make off with it and lose it somewhere) As a result, we were frequently buying him lights for birthdays/christmas/etc. We figured, if we kept buying him lights, eventually he'll be able to have one on-hand whenever he needed it. :naughty:

Of course, you can't buy your dad the same light every year. So I would look for lights with interesting features. Back then it was faceted reflectors, or battery charge indicators, etc.

That constant search for "a better flashlight" is what developed into a vicious addiction now. :welcome: :crackup:
Pretty much as far back as I can remember. Flashlight usage was one of the key things I liked about summer camp as a kid :thumbsup:.
I remember playing with--disassembling rewiring, etc flashlights and bulbs and batteries since 6th grade.

What is not to love?

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