I have somewhere between 180 and 200 flashlights (torches), of all shapes, types, and sizes; ranging from the diminuitive pinky-nail sized Tag Light to huge fluorescent lanterns that use multiple fencer batteries and are in the way no matter where you try to store them.
Then I quit counting.
Favorite / most used (CURRENTLY): Arc LS prototype, 2 "AA" configuration.
Favorite / most used (Pre-LS): Expedition 300, DB-18, Eternalight X-ray, Trek 6000, Arc AAA.
Kept in or near emergency supplies or escape routes: Micra Lithium, Photon II, Division 2 Responder.
Kept on steering arm of wheelchair: Tektite Knife Lite, Photon UV, Pocketlight Auto, Tag Light, Trek 6000 (mounted as primary headlamp).
Kept in daily carry kit: Batonlight, Arc AAA.
Kept at bedside: Starlight 128, Eternalight X-ray, Eternalight Classic, Trek-4, Pal Onestar, Energizer Folding LED Lantern.
Kept in the can: Ledcorp "Our Best Aluminum Flashlight", Eternalight Ergo Marine.
Kept within arm's reach of the computer (where I am most often found when disasters strike): Expedition 1900, Trek-3, Trek-2, PLW-1, Photon 3, Deltalight Coast Guard, Maglight 3D, Maglite Solitaire, Tag Light, Arc AAA, Trek 4000, LEDTronics FlashLED, and several dozen others.
Scattered about...by the couch, on tables, on the dishwasher, in the kitchen, in shallow boxes, on the floor, in the toolbox, etc:
The other 130 or so flashlights, most of them with batteries in them.
Maybe I should crack a few of them open and see if they're full of gooey Duracell poop yet. :-O