How much is a Surefire L1 worth?

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Jul 19, 2008
I bid on a Surefire L1 on eBay. It was advertised as the current Cree version, but when it arrived, I see that it's the previous Luxeon version. I'm bummed. I've emailed the seller, and I'm waiting to see if anything happens.

In the meantime, how much is a new in package luxeon L1 worth? First, I need to see if it's worth it to send it back to the seller. Maybe I'm better off keeping it for the $94 I paid. Two, there's the possibility the seller won't take it back. It's new in package, gen 5, with the long clip.

How much is it worth? How much could I probably get for it if I parted it out?


I think you should get your money back. Harder to part out the L1 because it isn't truly E-compatible - it really is only compatible with other L1s.

I have an L1 Cree and L1 Luxeon. I like them both, but the L1 Lux has clearly been "outshined".

You could part out an E1L for a profit...but I don't think there will be a lot of interest in L1 parts - except for someone who wants to mod it with a new Led (difficult and costly).

I've bought stuff successfully on Ebay, but I'm always worried about getting scammed. I hope your seller made an honest mistake and gives you a refund.

Did you pay with a credit card or credit card can always refuse the charge because of the card company should take care of it for you. Good luck.
Mod it with a Seoul LED.
It will bring it up to date output wise, and you'll probably use it more.
One more question. I've been looking around the marketplace, and I missed a cree L1 head this morning. Would a cree head work on my luxeon body? What I'm asking, I guess, is whether the electonics in the body will fire up a cree?

Also, I saw that some people put an E2 incan head on L series lights. Does the dual-mode still work? I thought the threads on the E series are different than the L series.

Do you have a picture? Is it the one with the TIR optic like the KL1? I may be interested in it, but I can't make any promises. I loved that low, low it had. As DaFab stated above, if you put a SSCP4 in it, the high output would probably double to 50+ lumens.
Also someone did a mod on one a while back where they bored out the body and removed the stock driver assembly, but a new cree and driver in the head and had a 2 cell L1. It was the shizzle...

I can try to get a picture. It does have a TIR. It's still in the package, and I can't really open it until the seller either takes it back or tells me to go to hell. :devil: Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

However, if you want to exactly what it looks like, check out the bottom picture here: and exactly like the bottom picture (with the long clip) here:

This one has the longer body, I measured it at a full 5 inches, so it could take two 16340s.

You should see if you can get your money back. You can make trouble for the seller if you have to because he sold you the "wrong one" according to his description.

The old L1 is not a lemon by any means but most people would agree the Cree ones are preferable at this point. Should you choose to keep it you could consider getting a McGizmo Dumb Mule head for the L1 but it is all flood and no throw. Not especially impressive but very, very useful.

You can only use 1x123. The electronics take up the rest.
There are a few people in CPF that want to collect all the generations of L1's, and since your's is new, i'd post it in CPFMP and advertise it as such. You might be able to get what you paid for it. If you can't, get your money back.
This is looking a little too much like a feeler thread, so I'm closing it. Please go to the MarketPlace and have a look at what other people are paying for these - it will give you the best indication of what yours is worth.
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