How much light is the fenixld10 suppose to put out?

It depends on what battery you use, plus the LD10 you linked to has an XP-G R4 emitter. Below are some numbers made in BigC's sphere by an LD10 with an XP-E emitter. It's possible they got those numbers. The light could be one of those lights that's just brighter than other lights of the same kind. Could be due to a lower Vf, a higher flux emitter, a driver that actually drives the emitter a little harder than the rest, or a combination. Fenix usually advertises OTF lumens, and they are usually pretty close to advertised. How did this guy test the light? I know he didn't send it to BigC:D. The first test is on Eneloops (Dandism's light), and the second test (at the bottom) is on an AW 14500 Li-ion (my light):


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So... I shouldn't worry about harming my LD10 Q5 using a 14500??
I should have mentioned this earlier, but I didn't think about. I don't think the LD10 was designed to run on a 14500, so that's up to you. I'm not sure if it would damage anything or not. I don't really use mine very often, so I don't have much runtime under my belt to comment on reliability. Having said that though, if your worried about damaging the light, but you want to run it on a 14500, you could run it for less than 30 seconds at a time on turbo mode and I think you would be fine, but then again, it's really up to you; I don't want to tell you it's fine and then you damage your light. Maybe someone can chime in with more runtime and comment on this for you.
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