Hello all, I discovered modified lights thanks to this forum about a year ago, before that I'd always been a SF owner but always stock. recently I put together a very bright light consisting of a SF TH on a Leef 2x18650 body with a SF MN21 LA, this light is very bright and comes in handy on late night dog walks. This brings me to my story, just the other night about 0100 hrs. myself and my girlfriend took my Staffordshire Terrier for his last walk of the day, we live in a less than geat area so I'm laways on my guard but up until this incident we'd never had any issues. We were approached by a obvioulsy drugged/intoxicated male, he walked up and asked me about the dog at which point I told him to bugger off, we want nothing to do with you. He went into a rant stating that he was a "Fed" and he was crazy
Having been in law enforcement most of my life this was typical behavior that I'd seen for years. I handed my dogs leash to my girlfriend and instructed her to get upstairs immediately while I kept this guy at bay. I stepped between and my now retreating GF and dog and ordered him away again and stepped towards him, he backed off about 8-9 feet and proclaimed that he had a gun and stuck his hand down the front of his shorts! I always carry and had a 357 snubby with me this evening which I immediately pulled and held along my leg out of his sight, meanwhile my drunken antagonist was struggling to stay vertical while trying to fish his weapon from his pants. I saw my chance to get out of this rapidly escalating situation, I brought my light up and lit this fellow up. The area is lit but dimly so he was night adapted, as the light hit his eyes he snapped his head away and actually fell over from the bright beam! As I didn't want him to see where we lived I waited until he couldn't see to head up the stairs.I then beat a hasty retreat and called the police, after they arrived and questioned this putz, they told me he was "mental" and tested positive for HIV, there was no weapon on him. I truly feel that my lights ability to blind and disorient this yutz saved both of us in the end, bright lights are money well spent!:twothumbs
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