How do you carry your Kroma? Judging by the pictures, it looks like it would be much more comfortable for bezel up carry. Who carrys their Kroma in pocket and how noticeable is it?
Hello Charles,
My pants fit loosely and I carry it in my pocket without problems.
I carry mine in the extra pocket of carpenter jeans with no problems.
Hah! I completely forgot about those pockets! I've just been thinking about how I would carry one without stuffing it in a coat pocket.
I need to buy more cargo pants
It's pretty bad when we change our clothing purchases to fit our flashlights.
Now I just gotta figure out how to carry the Kroma in the summer...Cargo Shorts ???
ManHobby :rock:
My U2 (same size light) fits nicely in the back pocket of my jeans. That leaves room in the front pocket for the 120P, so everybody's happy:thumbsup:
Is the U2 really the same size? From the pictures it looks like the Kroma has a bigger bezel
According to the SF comparison chart, both have bezel diameters of 1.470" ...
I agree. I did wear it the other night and I thought it would be uncomfortable, bezel down and all. But it didnt bother me. My pants are not loose by any stretch of the imagination either!I carry mine on my bedside table. This is simply THE BEST bedside light available. Red to preserve my night vision and a huge white light "bright enough to temporarily blind and disorient a person"... should the need ever present itself!