for your application, it sounds like you are making modules for flash-bars? are they internal or external? You will need a driver, because a resistor would get very very hot. Plus, you'll need big fat honkin resistors, not just your run-of-the-mill 1/2W peanuts.
Things to consider:
heat - an external solution so that air can pass through fins of a heat sink. throwing ideas out there, you could mount them all in a row facing up, put reflectors over them to redirect the light forwards. This way, your heatsink will be in a position to get lotsa fresh air, instead of sitting in the trailing vacuum.
directing light - do you need focused spots somewhere, or just very high visibility (like for the assumed flasher bars)? Need varying brightness, or just bright or off?
power - Why not try the standard LM### voltage/current regulator? relatively simple to wire up, and cheap!
I guess that's it. More info on your project would be interesting and helpful for those trying to give some pointers.
(it is also assumed that these lights will be used in accordance to any laws in your area. yeah. [/disclaimer])