How to EDC an MD4 on your body?


Jun 4, 2019
Hello there,

I understand it's more comfortable to have an MD3, MD2, or MDC light for this purpose. Out of curiosity, how would you carry an MD4 light on your body with any head? What type of holster/clip/bag etc. would you use? Vertical, or horizontal? Would it be fairly out of sight, or in the open?

Like a lightsaber
One of those old Maglite loop flashlight holders would also work well.

As much as I like the MD4, it's a little too big to be casually carried short of a backpack or some sort of tool harness. Or a patrol belt, but you run the risk of it slapping against your leg.
@Robot Mania FU : that's neat! Does it get in the way, given its length?
@TMedina : that's true! It's just out of curiosity since I haven't read anything about it.

Also, what holster would you recommend for a horizontal carry, with the M91T+MD4 combo?
You definitely feel it with the hound dog head on (not a problem with the m91), but that leather holds it in place much tighter than a loop so it's not really moving around when walking and as long as you have it in the right spot on your side, the body stays up against your leg when you sit. When it's sitting that high up, the head is more so your limiting factor and not the length of the body. I admittedly only carry it like that when I'm on the boat into the night, so I'm standing most of the time.
@Robot Mania FU: that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation! Also, what holster would you recommend for a horizontal carry, with the M91T+MD4 combo?

@Olumin: that's true! I'm curious, however, about the M91T+MD4 combo with a holster vertically. Wouldn't the head be too small to keep the light from sliding out?
Here would be my preference.
The bottom of the kydex would need a simple modification allowing the body to slide through.
The shorter of the holsters would just need a few seconds in an oven and you can open up the bottom to allow the body to slide through while still catching the head 100% of the time.




@kerneldrop : That looks nice. That would keep the M91T head from sliding through. Thanks for the input!

@Olumin : true! This is out of curiosity, since an MD4 is rather long for EDC. Thanks again for the input!
I don't EDC it but when I want to carry a MD4, I use a Night Ize Lite Holster Stretch. Clips to your belt, rotates vertical or horizontal, holds securely but still easy to remove.