How to keep Arctic Alumina Fresh?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece

cos I have to buy it from overseas and just yesterday i found the epoxy version almost dried out....It is not about money, it is about having something ready when you needed it.

Now what are the preqautions? When last used months ago I took good effort to wipe the nozzle clean and leave no air and store it in room temp etc that inevitable?

BTW the problem was with the black capped tube...all the material has almost solidified, taken a yellowish/brown color but the core remains intact still

`I know this is strange but i had to know, Kostas
Keeping it in the fridge is actually what Arctic recommends.

Just be sure to allow it to come up to room temp before mixing.

I squeeze out what I need while the tubes are still cold, then replace the tubes in the fridge while I let the unmixed epoxy come to room temp, then mix and apply.

and did you know that you can keep the mixed epoxy from setting up
faster by throwing it in the freezer? i must go through 5 sets of epoxy a month :sssh:
No to hijack the thread, but considering the subject, How long should Arctic Alumina Thermal Adhesive last in the fridge?
Hmmm....I have had the same with my AA. I bet using a vacuum sealer and the fridge would really help between uses.
Keeping AATA refrigerated does prolong shelf life. Ask me how I know? Wish I had known this years ago when I still used it on builds. I've had a few sets gone to waste cause I didn't use them often.

Although Norland does mention this (I don't think) I keep my NOA refrigerated as well. Makes a world of a difference. My current tube is already expired yet it still hasn't thicken up yet like it normally does when it has aged.
Keeping AATA refrigerated does prolong shelf life. Ask me how I know? Wish I had known this years ago when I still used it on builds. I've had a few sets gone to waste cause I didn't use them often.

Wow, that is a lot of glue!
Good to know. Had the same problem but only with the B-tube :D.

mfg rayman
Yes. Thank you - it is good to know.
Although I got to like the pale yelloy and somewhat thick B tube I once owned.