How to make life go by slower

I thought you were going to suggest something else.

Never mind, I'll suggest it.

Put your flashlight on strobe and wear it in a headband. Everything will move slower, and some things will even move backwards!!!!
Lol,yes best way,or to make life even slower order it late on a Friday and wait to see if you get it on the Monday,chances are you will not.:D,I had a shock recently I bought a couple of bits from Heinnie here in the Uk on friday afternoon and they were sitting on my mat Saturday morning.
Oh the agony! Currently have two lights on the way. Every time the mailbox is opened with no packages in sight is truly a dark day.
Or, just waiting for the next load of funds to come in to make another purchase. :broke:
Well at least you're not looking at the shipping status or package tracking website and constantly clicking on "refresh" every hour or so. Yep...been there, done that!

I think everyone does.

Well at least you're not looking at the shipping status or package tracking website and constantly clicking on "refresh" every hour or so. Yep...been there, done that!
Lucky for me, I didn't recieve a tracking I can't keep checking...:)
I had a shock recently I bought a couple of bits from Heinnie here in the Uk on friday afternoon and they were sitting on my mat Saturday morning.

Haha, they are fast aren't they? I'm sure they must teleport it to my doorstep! :shrug:
Only one more day, FlameOn. See, that wasn't so bad.

Believe me, I know your pain. I've made special trips home, completely killing my lunch hour, just to see if a package has arrived.
