How to open the WT-1?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 5, 2007
Anyone had any success opening the LED housing on the Regalight WT-1? I dropped mine a few days back and it stopped working. Now I want to try to check the LED electronics to see what's wrong. Any usefull information out there?
I'm sure you've found that the head unscrews. If you take a thin blade you can gently pry up the black disc surrounding the led. The pill is another matter. I believe the pill is press fit into the body and you will need to wedge a very strong, thin blade between the black body and the aluminum ring surrounding the emitter. Or secure the body in a vice and gently, firmly tap the pill out from behind. I have not tried unscrewing the pill but that might be worth a try first.
Thanks, just tried the vice/hammering method and that did not work. I've tried heating it in boiling water, unscrewing and now trying to beat it out and none have seemed to work. Does anyone know for sure if it's press fitted or screwed in? Thanks again for the help.
Shakeylegs, thank you so much for you assistance. I've taken the hammer/screwdriver approach to pushing the pill out. You had suggested firmly tapping but the pill was wedged in there pretty tight. I've ruined the electronics by doing so. Not a biggie as they were'nt working for some reason to begin with. There is quite alot of room to play around in there, so I'll be upgrading the electronics with something else. If anyone interested in seeing the pieces leftover, just post here and I'll put up some flashlight porn. Thanks again for your help!
Glad you overcame the wrestler! check out this StefanS thread - he shows some custom pill ideas. Pill #3 looks interesting as you can fine tune the output. I've got five or six of these boards and am anxious to fit a couple into my throwers.