I plan to build a front bike light using a Cree XR-E, powered by two AA NiMH in series and a Micropuck driver.
I've tried it on a test circuit board and it works as advertised: 360 mA output, 80% efficiency. But it continues to work when the battery voltage gets very low: still 100 mA in the LED when the total input voltage is down to 1.0 V.
This means that the NiMH batteries can get damaged while the light output is still quite good.
So I'm wondering if I can add something in the circuit, which would act as an automatic switch when the input voltage gets below e.g. 2.0V.
I've tried it on a test circuit board and it works as advertised: 360 mA output, 80% efficiency. But it continues to work when the battery voltage gets very low: still 100 mA in the LED when the total input voltage is down to 1.0 V.
This means that the NiMH batteries can get damaged while the light output is still quite good.
So I'm wondering if I can add something in the circuit, which would act as an automatic switch when the input voltage gets below e.g. 2.0V.