How to tell when your microwave oven is dying?

Black Rose

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 8, 2008
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Our current microwave oven is way past the expected life span of a microwave (20 years), and has recently started making some interesting clunking noises while in use (the microwave does not have a turntable).

The microwave appears to be working fine, but the clunking noises make me think the magnetron is finally going.

Sound like a fair assessment?
Try taking the cat out first..:crackup:

Mine actually has the same symtoms, but still works great
Our first microwave oven died suddenly and would no longer work at all.

The second microwave died slowly. It required more and more time to cook the same food as it aged.
If no turntable, it should have a microwave stirrer, a metal fan-type device that distributes the energy. It may be hidden under a ceramic floorplate or top. That's probably clunking as it turns. Are you getting hot spots on the food?

Considering the cost of a new one, I'd just replace it.
I haven't noticed any hotspots in the food, but my wife says it is taking longer to cook food than it used to.

We've already picked out one at Costco we like.
I haven't noticed any hotspots in the food, but my wife says it is taking longer to cook food than it used to.

We've already picked out one at Costco we like.
Good indication that it is dying, had one go here just the same.