How will you observe 9/11 Patriot Day?


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 18, 2023
The HEART of the USA.
In addition to the US flag and red, green and blue thin line flag that I normally fly, I have a 9/11 garden flag that I put out in the yard by the street. I will likely watch some 9/11 documentaries on TV and/or youtube. How will you observe 9/11 Patriot Day?

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To be honest, I try to forget about that day. But I know I woke up late for work, got into my old truck and I turned on the radio. Someone on the AM was talking about calling out the national guard and all this and I thought he was just some nut so I turned off the radio. When I got to work after 10am I found out what happened. The entire day was like we were living in a nightmare.
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We just treat it like any other day. Not to make light of it, but to show "we aint scared" of terrorists. I put on a 'til ValHala' comemorative hat and a comemorative t-shirt that day.
The terrorists don't deserve any recognition, so I won't do anything different, just what I normally do.
To be honest, I try to forget about that day. But I know I woke up late for work, got into my old truck and I turned on the radio. Someone on the AM was talking about calling out the national guard and all this and I thought he was just some nut so I turned off the radio. When I got to work after 10am I found out what happened. The entire day was like we were living in a nightmare.
That was a surreal day. Had an irregular schedule at the time, slept in late that day to my mother calling me to turn on the television. The coverage was mostly live shots with an anchor in front of the camera doing a mixture of reciting what was known, doing live interviews with witnesses, running the most hasty of expert commentary. Went to work and someone had a backdoor to then semi-experimental CNN IPTV stream and we watched that in a mostly stunned silence.
That was a surreal day. Had an irregular schedule at the time, slept in late that day to my mother calling me to turn on the television. The coverage was mostly live shots with an anchor in front of the camera doing a mixture of reciting what was known, doing live interviews with witnesses, running the most hasty of expert commentary. Went to work and someone had a backdoor to then semi-experimental CNN IPTV stream and we watched that in a mostly stunned silence.

I remember my dad, a 1960's vet at the time saying after GWB's speech that night, him being disgusted with it.. "I wanted to hear that the planes were in the air and that the bombs were falling." I couldn't disagree. I never understood myself how they couldn't immediately target certain places and destroy them. Oil money? Oh yea...
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That was a surreal day. Had an irregular schedule at the time, slept in late that day to my mother calling me to turn on the television. The coverage was mostly live shots with an anchor in front of the camera doing a mixture of reciting what was known, doing live interviews with witnesses, running the most hasty of expert commentary. Went to work and someone had a backdoor to then semi-experimental CNN IPTV stream and we watched that in a mostly stunned silence.

Surreal and stunned. That was my experience. I just couldn't understand how something so horrific was allowed to happen. Gross incompetence on a huge scale.
I think that just like the attack on Pearl Harbor (which was before my time), the Normandy Invasion (D_Day), V-E Day, V-J Day, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the JFK assassination, Watergate, the attack on Ronald Reagan, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Oklahoma City bombing, etc., we need to remember 9/11/2001.
Never forget, so that when something happens again, we won't be stunned and unable to respond. As KnuckleGary said, be vigilant. Our enemies are coming in over the our Southern border in hordes, so we have to be super vigilant.

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Surreal and stunned. That was my experience. I just couldn't understand how something so horrific was allowed to happen. Gross incompetence on a huge scale.
I think that everyone felt something was going to happen before it did, but government agencies are not good at dealing with stuff a lot if it involves proactive things. But they'll bust you for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign, whether you did it or not. I started to become a prepper back in the late 90's before it was cool, just because I felt something was really wrong. How I got into Surefire's ironically. And then it happened, like I expected. :(
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I remember my dad, a 1960's vet at the time saying after GWB's speech that night, him being disgusted with it.. "I wanted to hear that the planes were in the air and that the bombs were falling." I couldn't disagree. I never understood myself how they couldn't immediately target certain places and destroy them. Oil money? Oh yea...
Surreal and stunned. That was my experience. I just couldn't understand how something so horrific was allowed to happen. Gross incompetence on a huge scale.
This issue has been thoroughly and relentlessly litigated for the last 20+ years; further discussion along these lines is solid underground material.
Every time I board aircraft or take family to airports I think about how the way things use to be before 9.11
Other than that, I don't go around looking for guys wearing rags on their heads carrying anti America signs
Every time I board aircraft or take family to airports I think about how the way things use to be before 9.11
Other than that, I don't go around looking for guys wearing rags on their heads carrying anti America signs
I worked for the TSA a very short time, because they couldn't give me reliable hours. I saw questionable people walking by while they were checking out some 15 year old girl's candy. She asked me behind the counter if she could get her candy back because she was frightened of the other guards who were looking through her crap for no reason. A day later I noticed a pepper spray and kuboton in the scan on the keychain of some lady. It went by more than one "experienced" guard. I had only been working there a couple weeks. Everything is a clown show these days.
Don't hold back amp, tell us how you really feel.

One thing I notice around my little slice of planet earth is the neighbors that fly flags on their house for various reasons like Fall or Valentines day all fly Old Glory on 9/11.

I may wear my "American by birth, NRA member by choice" t-shirt this year.