HUGSBY G4 - Specs?


Sep 2, 2006
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Wouldn't the WF-600 work?(cheaper too)

It's cheaper too. Yes the switch has a resistor, bot you can solder in a new one stage switch.
I want throw, but I can justify losing some for a smooth beam, the hugsby OP reflector appeals to me much more, and looks like it may be a tad bigger/deeper than the WF.

Also I wasn't sure if the WFreflector was plastic or not, and I don't like how it doesnt fit the cree snugly...conversely the hugsby seems to have a nice accessible pill that screws on to reflector, with any luck they could be p60 sized pills.
Mine arrived today (DX)

It's 3 Mode (High-Medium-Strobe) and the LED + driver is glued in the reflector :thumbsdow (Reflector works perfectly as heatsink)

Because of the big & deep reflector, it has a great throw with very good sidespill.

Cree tint is warm (probably WG) and seems to be a bit greenish.