This light was purchased from JSB, and I have had this light for month now, definitely love it. Post lux reading, beamshots and runtime graph as followed,
Lux at 1m
Level 5: 3600 lux
Level 4: 2560 lux
Level 3: 1900 lux
Level 2: 1170 lux
Level 1: 400 lux
You can find other review and lux reading results in TigerhawkT3's review page. http://www.geocities.com/tigerhawkt3/ft01xsep4.htm
Beamshots at 5m, left to right, FT01 Cree, surefire L4, fenix P1D CE

Beamshots at 10m, left to right, FT01 Cree, surefire L4, fenix P1D CE

I only did runtime tests with CR123A and 18650 at level 5(high), for more imformation, as you know, Chevrofreak did excellent job of runtime tests with different batteries and levels in this thread http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=147329