I can't find a 2C Maglite anywhere.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
Did they discontinue them? I would like to do a flamethrower mod on one. I've checked Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc. Nothing. What happened to them?
I found mine a year ago at Fry's Electronics. Took me awhile to track one down at a B&M store.
Googling turns up a few online sites that sell them too.
More anecdotal evidence of the demise of the C size maglite? :thinking:
I've convinced myself it is inevitable one of these days... :mecry:
I haven't noticed a shortage at any of the local stores that carry them. In fact, my local Fry's appeared to have recently re-stocked the 2C's, 3C's and 4C's the last time I was in - maybe three weeks ago.

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