I do not like the SF A2....


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 3, 2005
Well, maybe I should rephrase that to "the surefire A2 is not for me"

I've read many posts about the A2 since Ive been a member of cpf and I just couldn't stand it anymore, so I just had to get one to check it out.

The A2 is a high quality light like all the surefire lights are IMO. It was larger than I thought it would be. I thought it would be about the same size as my Old style L1. Maybe because they look very similar. I like the way the L1 fits my hand.

The led was brighter than I thought it would be but it had a bluish tint that looked like my dorcy 1aaa. The "high beam" incan was about the same brightness as my 6p was. The incan was tinted more white than the 6p and that surprised me. The oval beam was not to my liking.
I guess I have been spoiled by the high power, multiple level, led lights.

The "color rendition" issue is not a big factor to me. The only incans I really like now is the ROP and only that with the 2x18650. Two cells is the most I want to mess with in any light and the D cell size is too big for my tastes.
I have been thinking of trying a TL3 though because of the throw they are supposed to have.
If I had bought an A2 early on in my "newbie" stage, I think I would have a different opinion about it. I can see why people would like it but it just isn't for me.
MY .02
That's fair enough....

I went through that stage also. When I first bought my A2, I thought it was kinda nice, but compared to other LEDs it wasnt that spectacular. However, having traded for a U2, I just realised how much I missed the smaller form and the colour rendition of the A2.

I ended up switching back and I carry my A2 in my hip pocket everywhere.
You can try turning the incan bulb a little at a time and it will fix some of the oval
effect. You can also sand or replace the LEDs as well.
Thanks alot russtang, I just traded for an A2 not even 4 hours ago :mad: :sold: Nah, I plan on modding the LED's anyway. No doubt its a well designed light for a more specific user, that would be me. Due to me working a swing shift, I end up using my Fenix L2P and a Wolfeyes Eagle 2. The A2 will replace two lights which will give me more realestate on my duty belt.

A2 modding dummy guide
russtang said:
I have been thinking of trying a TL3 though because of the throw they are supposed to have.
I'd recommend not bothering with the TL3, at least in stock form. It throws well, but when I compared it against my 6P the difference was surprisingly minimal; not enough to justify the extra cell, bulkier shape, poorer ergonomics, lesser build quality, and cheap switch with no lockout. The beam can be made very nice and SF-like, but I've found that it throws best
when focused into a mag-style bowtie shape, which I think is a lot worse than the oval you disliked in the A2.

If you have a ROP-LE already, I think it'd be a good idea to just stick with that. It's already pretty compact and its output and throw just make the TL3 look ridiculous.
Given a sufficient inducement, I would be prepared to look after your A2 if you don't want it.
I realize that the A2 is not everybody's cup of tea. But for incandescent lovers it is truly the holy grail of EDC lights. Being one of the A2's biggest proponents, I thank you for giving it a shot.
Russtang, I'm just wondering how long you used the A2 for.

I went through the same disappointment when I first got my A2; I had other lights that were brighter, or smaller, or...[insert random A2 deficiency here.]

But a funny thing happened after I'd owned the light for a while. I ended up reaching for it more and more. I realized that it wasn't so much flashy as it was useful; the LEDs had a nice even "flood-type" beam that was better for close-up work than my other LEDs, while the incan had some punch to light up objects a bit further away. The longer I own the A2, the more frequently I find myself reaching for it.

In any case, I just wanted to share this experience. The A2 wasn't an immediate "hit" for me, but it has really grown on me over the years. (Same with my McLux III PD, come to think of it!)

And one final thought; I have two A2s, and one of them has very angry blue LEDs. (I rarely use that one.) So I hope you didn't just get poorly-tinted LEDs through the luck of the draw...

In any case, the A2's definitely not for everyone - still, like carrot, I'm glad you gave it a try!

I only tried it out for one day, so many may not think that was long enough to give it a fair shot.

Honestly, I was leaning toward the "I think I'm not going to like it" side before I bought it based on many threads I had read.

I just like the led lights more than incans right now. All the incans I've tried just look sick, puke yellow to me. The ROP and brighter ones are the only exception. But the many cell and "D" size lights are just too big.

The tint of the A2 was whiter than most of the 2cell incans I have tried, but it was not enough to convert me to an incan lover. Runtime is a factor also.

The point of this thread was not to cast the A2 in a negative way, but maybe to let people know that even a great light is not for everyone. Dont buy a light just because everybody says its the best thing there is. Think about what you like and how you would use it before buying it.

The A2 is a great light, but not for me. I may even try one again one day and change my mind about it, but it won't be anytime soon. I have changed my mind before. I have two or three lights that I've sold and then bought back.( at a higher price of course :laughing: )

I would suggest anyone to try one out, but dont feel bad if its not for you.
i'm sure glad i tried one. it is my favorite light and the one i reach for the most. i can see where it might not suit some people though.:)
I have compared the A2 with several Led-lights (see below) and I must say,
the A2 is an excellent compromize, especially with white MJ-Leds.
The colour of the incad. LA is nice and very usefull in a foggy environment.
Russtangs A2 is on the way to Germany (greetings to atomic chicken).


From left:
E2E, KL1, SSC P4, MC20S, 2 stages tailcap
L1, SSC P4, MC20S
L1, SSC P4, MC18 cut
E1E, KL1, SSC P4, MC20S
E1E, SSC P4, MC20S, driver 500 mA, 2 stages tailcap

A2, white MJ-Leds
Well, I'm a GianniComL8ly with the SF.A2 since acquiring them last month. After getting these SureFire A2s, I'm EDC'ing two plus my 3[M]ini.Mag and a Lego-SF.E1. Guess Your Methods May Vary accordingly so.


It's definitely not for everyone.

As you may already know, I am a very vocal defender of the SF A2. I spent a lot of time and energy on my SF A2 thread, and one of the main reasons was to defend the A2, and those who choose it, against insulting comments about how stupid it was to pay $180 for a light that only . . . (etc., etc.).

But please note that I wasn't interested in PROMOTING the light for all comers. I have always recognized that the A2 was not for everyone, was not always going to be a good fit.

And that's just life! So, just want to say that your post here is welcome. It's actually providing a bit of balance to the A2 equation here at CPF. It used to be that everyone trashed the A2. And in fact, I wasted a good year or so in my search for my perfect EDC because someone bad mouthed the A2 and I decided not to get it. Then the A2 gained a number of proponents and a small following, and somewhat after that my A2 thread appeared, and also a number of other A2 threads, including KevinL's A2 thread. And the pendulum swung the other way, although there were exceptions, Josey's "The A2 sucks" thread being one of them.

Now it is finding a nice balance it seems to me. And that's for the best. CPF should in part be about mating up people with the lights that are best suited for them. Too often though, it turns into a "my light can beat up your light" kind of place, which is just stupid. We should all respect each other and each other's choice and conclusions. It's all good!

I think that a lot of people either "don't get" the A2, or the reasons they use a flashlight aren't well suited for the A2's unique features. For me, there was a period of around 2 or 3 years where I kept checking out A2s every time I would see one at a store, but I never bought one thinking it was just too "gimicky" or overpriced for what you got. I finally ended up buying one early last year, and it was only after using it for a few weeks that I finally saw the "light" and suddenly understood it!

I am of the personal opinion that the A2 really isn't a good light for many people, but for those who are willing to give it a try, give it an honest week or two before deciding to sell or shelf-queen it. I think many haters will become converts by the time the trial period is over! :)

Best wishes,
The big benefit of the A2 is perfect regulation: The feeble, puke-yellow beam stays perfectly feeble and puke yellow through the entire runtime, which is mercifully short.

Plus, you don't have to worry whether to buy the blue LED version or the white LED version because you won't be able to tell the difference anyway.

Oh, I kid JS. The only reason I wrote the A2 stinks thread was to poke a little fun at the hoards of A2 kool-aide drinkers. I've always said it's a great light for city folk and much loved by people who know flashlights.
Energie said:
Russtangs A2 is on the way to Germany (greetings to atomic chicken)
WHAT??? That crafty ol' Bird just got yet another A2 from under our noses? And he just posted and didn't admit to it?

Edit: oops, I misunderstood. Energie has got it himself (who is he, anyhow? whoever he is, he must be a pretty slick operator to put one over the Bird like that.)
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Looks like my next set will be the red and blue LED SF.A2 Aviators since I've got the green and yellow-green. No need for the white LED version, since I already have a BB.NG750.Lux.III.TW0J that's always with me.

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of the A2 either. But, I have tried countless LED lights and am comfortable modding many of them so I get to sort through several emitters or stars and come up with what I think is the whitest ones for dedicated outdoor use. Personally, I'd rather have one modest output (50-70 Lumens) LED light with a nice balance of throw and spill (I esp value a realtively bright spillbeam) and another dimmer LED light.

Having said that, I still think that the A2 is a very decent choice for someone if forced at gunpoint to name a single light that suits many needs in a stock package.

I don't know why, but I know three people that only own one quality flashlight (quality flashlight meaning something better than a Mag) and that one flashlight is the A2. All three are gun owners and the SF rep in this area stops in the gunshops often so maybe he convinced them to buy the A2. And the local Glock Certified Armorer that travels from shop to shop has an A2 and a G2 on his bench wherever he is set up.

LOL! You had me there for a second!

City folk, eh? I'm not a city folk, and I dearly love my A2.

I don't need to be forced at gunpoint in order to name the A2 a a light that suits my needs!

I could EDC any light I wanted to, cost no object, any light small enough to fit in my front pocket. And the A2 is the winner for me and my needs. Hands down.

Doesn't mean it's for everyone, though. I need the incan for outdoor use, others don't. If I only wanted LED, then the A2 wouldn't be my choice.