I don't understand the TV digital channel lineup


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
I was visiting my dad in rural New England where I performed an over the air TV digital channel auto scan on his new TV. Under analog, he used to get UHF channel 49 which was a satellite station for NH public television channel 11. Now under digital he gets channel 11-01, 11-02 and 11-03. -01 and -02 appear to be the same except -01 appears to be a lower resolution picture and perhaps mono instead of stereo. -03 is different broadcasting content all together. Just what are these sub channels and what do they mean?
I was visiting my dad in rural New England where I performed an over the air TV digital channel auto scan on his new TV. Under analog, he used to get UHF channel 49 which was a satellite station for NH public television channel 11. Now under digital he gets channel 11-01, 11-02 and 11-03. -01 and -02 appear to be the same except -01 appears to be a lower resolution picture and perhaps mono instead of stereo. -03 is different broadcasting content all together. Just what are these sub channels and what do they mean?

Usually the 11.1 channel is the high def channel. The other sub channels are usually standard definition and can be different programming under the same broadcaster.

Did that make since? :)
I've never understood why TV channels has to exceed 8 channels...let along why TVs have to go digital and stuff like this

When I was born the TV only went up to eight and of the eight only 5 actually had something on it. When I was 16, that beloved TV had to retire because news came on the 13:ohgeez:

I think technology's going way out of control, and frankly I'm just tired of it:tired:
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I was surprised and pleased by the addition of the sub-channels. Our local network stations plus PBS all have a widescreen HD channel, a standard resolution channel, weather, and maybe something else.

The picture is certainly nice, but I miss having the use of my little B & W analog sets and I can no longer get acceptable reception for our kitchen set, even with an amplified antenna.

I've never understood why TV channels has to exceed 8 channels...let along why TVs have to go digital and stuff like this

When I was born the TV only went up to eight and of the eight only 5 actually had something on it. When I was 16, that beloved TV had to retire because news came on the 13:ohgeez:

I think technology's going way out of control, and frankly I'm just tired of it:tired:

I think it's crazy that the move to digital TV was continually bumped to another date so that people could get thier goverment funded converter box.:shakehead
Since I don't have dish or cable and have an older TV I had to resort to a converter box. Basically I hate LCD and DLP unless it's running native HD broadcast, and otherwise find the picture on my 31" Mitsubishi CRT to be superior.

Picture is 1000x better than analog broadcast. Matter of fact, it's better than digital cable because it's not compressed as much. The $40 coupon came in handy given I'm on a tight budget.

Only thing is I can't quite figure out the best type of antenna to use.
Picture is 1000x better than analog broadcast. Matter of fact, it's better than digital cable because it's not compressed as much.

back then Watching news is watching news, now in HD watching news is like an visual illustration of all the reporter's wrinkles...it takes the fun out of watching ordinary TV, for me anyway:candle: