I finally got my co-worker to cave in!


Jan 15, 2007
Reedley, Ca
I'm always talking flashlights to him and since I know that he is a fire-arm user and frequents gun shops I told him to look for surefire flashlights. I didn't actually think that he would buy one becuase of the price and also because he kinda came from the camp that thought i was crazy for spending $50+ for a flashlight.. Lol. Well, today he showed me his brand new surefire 6p. He paid $80 bucks for it.:grin2: He is coming to the light side! Muahaha... :crackup:
Gunner12- Yes, the email with a link to our secondary home has been sent! Lol. I am sure that even out of boredom at work he will be here soon. :sssh:

Sgt- Yep. Led, right? That thing is pretty bright I think its the cree one. :) But now I think he needs to get a malkoff dropin or something. lol.

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