I got a nice bonu$ - what should I buy?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 5, 2009
Dayton, OH
Hi all. Thanks to anyone who reads this and offers up suggestions.

I got a nice bonus at work and thought it would be nice to reward myself with a new light (the bonus was a reward for a job well done on a special project). But I can't decide what I want. I am not military or LEO, it would just be to satisfy my flashoholism (word?). My first thought is an EagleTac M3C4 Triple XM-L. Why? Lots of light (throw and spill), multiple output levels, good build quality, nice size. Looks to be a great light to have walking the dog at night. I've looked at all the beam shots I could find here and this light seems to have the best combination of beam (I want lots of spill along with total light output) It also has battery options (18650 or CR123).

I am very open to suggestions. I really like the Elektrolumens EDC, but want more than one output level. I guess I could marry that up with a nice little 1 X AAA, but that seems to defeat the purpose of one good general purpose light. I am very tempted by Mac's 3300L. A Fenix TK41 might fit the bill, especially if I could use Eneloops in it.

Alright. I've left this wide open for you. Have at it! (Please!)


Sep 8, 2008
Well, I recently picked up a Lambda thrower, a VP1000 C I think it was it is now called....Bought it as 3Cxml...Anyway another owner says he has this and the ET you mentioned and this is a better thrower, with 33 levels on the dial..looks 100000% like a stock C mag light too!
I think it lights up people ("usably") at 400 feet or more... My google earth isnt working.