I have reflector damage.


Mar 2, 2007
Do NOT try to fix it yourself! First see if the reflector is the only part that is damaged -- the bulb probably was too, if that was what caused the damage to the reflector. Then contact the dealer and inform him (email him those photos). He should replace the damaged parts FOC. With luck, and if nothing else is wrong, you won't have to ship the whole light back to him.
You may be able to bend the reflector back to the correct shape but i can almost guarantee that you will destroy the reflective surface if doing this. In my opinion that is one dead reflector.
ditto what they said, if the emitter WAS centered, i would just ask for a reflector to pop in, saves shipping and all.
if the emitter was off by that far, i could never be happy ,with it, even "fixed" it would be like looking at spinach on somebodies teeth :)