I just can't make up my mind....

Which one ?!!!!

  • Doug Ritter MINI RSK Mk1

    Votes: 12 44.4%
  • Spyderco Leaf Storm

    Votes: 15 55.6%

  • Total voters


Sep 16, 2006
Ok i need some help here....

I want a small folder to keep in my jeans pocket at all times and have it there for emergency use only....

A bit of backround info first.
I live in Greece, carrying knives is illegal so i am looking for something small but hefty enough if i need to use it for self defence.
I have been into knives and lights ever since i was a kid, i always had some kind of small folder and light with me at all times and ever since i found this forum, my wallet has suffered greatly...

Anyway i have been trying to make up my mind between the following two over the past week and i just can't do it on my own so here is where you lot come in :p

I like both knives and they both fit my needs, but which one should i get ?

1) Doug Ritter MINI RSK Mk1

2) Spyderco Leaf Storm

Buying both is not an option as my finnances don't allow it...
Sorry you've used 3 key words that will likely lead to the closure of this thread ;)


I understand the reasons for self preservation but flouting anti-knife laws could leave you in serious hot water with local authorities, here that can result in a permanent criminal conviction something that will haunt your future employment prospects :(
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Sorry you've used 3 key words that will likely lead to the closure of this thread ;)


I understand the reasons for self preservation but flouting anti-knife laws could leave you in serious hot water with local authorities, here that can result in a permanent criminal conviction something that will haunt your future employment prospects :(

Dully noted, thanks for the concern but i am well aware of the concequences if i get caught carrying a folder, hence the sub 3 inch blades i am trying to decide between.

As for the thread closing part, i seriously doubt that asking for an honnest opinion between 2 knives could be considered illegal, or even condoning illegal activity, therefore warranting the closure of said thread.
I believe it's the intended use of the item rather than a query as to which is better that could be the issue (if the discussion heads down that path) ;)

FWIW the Doug Ritter MINI RSK Mk1 gets my vote :thumbsup:
My advice is to not carry a knife at all due to the legality issue. However, I have been carrying the Doug Ritter Mini-RSK in my left front pocket for years. It is a great knife.
Since the poll turned out a tie i decided with your help (those who actually posted here) to go for the Doug Ritter Mini-RSK.
inittialy i was a bit dissappointed when i saw my order marked as backordered and after an email inquiry found out that it would be shipped anywhere between 1-3 weeks i was ready to cancel the order and go for the leaf storm.
But last night i got an email saying it was shipped and it should be here on Monday via fedex :D

So thank you all who took the time to help me out and i'll report back once i have it in hand :)
Nice selection... of the 2 blade size and handle composition were the deciding factors :D

I just received my "Buck Special" today so I can completely understand your disappointment with shipping delays...
Back with a report, unfortunately not the one i was hopping for....

Last week as i was expecting my new folder to arrive, i got a call from Fedex here in Greece, telling that it was held up in customs and i had to pay some extra fees to get it processed.
I said fine, how much could they possibly ask for a $110 knife....
So i gave them my fax number to forward the payment information and stuff.
Half an hour later the fax arrives with a requested total sum of $166.... now keep in mind that i already payed $176 for the knife so it would be sent to my door faster than regular mail.
I called them up and told them that there is no way i am paying that ammount of money so they could process it and they said fine you can process it your self for $100....
That wasn't an option either since i had to loose a day of work AND pay an extra $100 for a knife i had already forked $176...
I sent an email to Airomedix describing the whole situation, but unfortunately it was out of their hands, since it was a Fedex and Greek customs affrair....

In the end i am out $176 and Aeromedix has to pay $95 to fedex cause the parcel was declined by me.
I asked them to tell fedex to return it to them so they could send it via regualr mail and i would pay for the return trip, but fedex told them that even though the parcel was not delivered, they would still have to pay the customs fee along with the extra shipping charges.

If anyone is to blame about this whole mess that's Fedex for not notifying Aeromedix in advance about this type of scenario so they could warn me and send the folder via USPS.

Bottom line, to anyone in the EU ordering stuff from abroad, never use Fedex or any other courier service that takes everything through customs...
Bottom line, to anyone in the EU ordering stuff from abroad, never use Fedex or any other courier service that takes everything through customs...

Sounds familiar. I ordered a 65 dollar flashlight from bugoutstore which became 145 dollar including shipping and carrier. What I do now is order from HongKong via ebay, who just stuff it in an envelop or order from the US via ebay from companies that "understand" the abroad situation. That way you can spend more on all those must haves :)