I made my Novatac 120 Grippier! :D


Sep 9, 2006
Hi everyone! I've been reading on how to make one's flashlight more grippier, and I've came across the heat shrink method - wrapping a large sheath around the flashlight body then shrink it, or wrapping a big piece of rubber around it. While these two methods work to prevent slipping, it also spoils the aesthetic appeal of the light! I prefer keeping the metallic anodized look and feel of the Novatac, and I'm kinda allergic to big rubbery things! :crackup:


Anyways, enough rambling… here's my way of doing it! As you can see there are two 1mm gap on the Novatac 120T (same with 120P) to allow for heat dissipation. And I happened to find 2 spare O-rings lying around, so what better use for it than to fill the slit! Heheheh :D

Tada! the subtle yet eye-pleasing result:

The O-rings are 16mm diameter by 1mm width…… but I believe a ~13mm diameter by 1.4mm would create an even TIGHTER fit, which sadly I currently don't have. :shakehead

Now it's even grippier than before, improving the low aggressive knurling. O-rings don't spoil the look and also doesn't affect the heat sinking in anyway. It's semi-permanent, and only comes off when you want it to, and will not affect battery changes at all. Now, please cheer for me!! Hooray! Mehehehehe :popcorn:
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Re: I made my Novatac 120 Slip-proof! :D

:poke:boohooo! *cries* I guess no-one likes Xiaowen's mod. :( erm.. I put a lot of effort into it, ya know. :eek:
Re: I made my Novatac 120 Slip-proof! :D

:poke:boohooo! *cries* I guess no-one likes Xiaowen's mod. :( erm.. I put a lot of effort into it, ya know. :eek:

Throwing tow o-rings onto a flashlight is not really a mod. It has the same effect as fuzzy dice on a rear view mirror. I guess it is more a Pep Boy job. Please do not take it personally, it is only my 2 cent opinion.
I like it. A good way to improve one's grip on the light. I thinks it looks pretty good too.

Not like fuzzy dice at all...
I like it. A good way to improve one's grip on the light. I thinks it looks pretty good too.

Not like fuzzy dice at all...
Thanks man! I'm grateful someone appreciates all that hard work which went into it. tehehe :DI think it's much better than this:

So I am not the only one,I have used a 15mm ID 4mm thick,on mine
Perfect for grip.:thumbsup:
Wow, 4mm?! that's one heck of a grip! So does it fall off easily? I'm thinking of finding a 13.5mm ID 3mm.
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