You can get a SOB1400 from the Sandwich Shoppe.
Small footprint,good regulation,and much cheaper than two Buckpucks.
Order the "blank" board here and choose the resistor 0.05 and 0.12 for 1417mA.
The buckpucks are waterproof and can tolerate no-load operation for a few seconds. The other board CAN NOT.
The 4 leds will be permanently hard wired to the driver so no load condition is not an issue at this point but the input voltage limit on the SOB is 16 volts. Too low to drive four LEDs that hard with NiMh batteries.
I don't think the SOB is designed for multiple emitter setups.
Have you looked at George's drivers? They're very good quality & can handle LEDs in series but not sure of there's one that will give you 1400ma.
I don't think a SOB is safe to run more than 2 LEDs in series. Not sure if even two are safe unless maybe if their vf are really low.
As a test a few months back I wired 3 Cree Q5's in series and powered them off an SOB 1000. It ran for a few minutes then the board let out some magic smoke and died.
I don't think the SOB is designed for multiple emitter setups. Ask Wayne in the Sandwich Shoppe forum to be sure though.