I need a 1400ma LED driver


Newly Enlightened
Feb 22, 2008
Title says it.
I'm looking for a single mode 1400ma buck driver to power 4 XR-E R2s in series.

If I cant find one off the self will two 700ma Buckpucks in parallel work for a prototype?
The 4 leds will be permanently hard wired to the driver so no load condition is not an issue at this point but the input voltage limit on the SOB is 16 volts. Too low to drive four LEDs that hard with NiMh batteries.
As a test a few months back I wired 3 Cree Q5's in series and powered them off an SOB 1000. It ran for a few minutes then the board let out some magic smoke and died.

I don't think the SOB is designed for multiple emitter setups. Ask Wayne in the Sandwich Shoppe forum to be sure though.
The buckpucks are waterproof and can tolerate no-load operation for a few seconds. The other board CAN NOT.

The OP never said anything about those requirements.I fail to see how its relevant here since it was never required.

The 4 leds will be permanently hard wired to the driver so no load condition is not an issue at this point but the input voltage limit on the SOB is 16 volts. Too low to drive four LEDs that hard with NiMh batteries.

Oops,my mistake.I was thinking Vf @ 1000mA,not 1400mA.

I don't think the SOB is designed for multiple emitter setups.

Thats a question that needs an answer,as I'm sure some will want to use it with the MC-E.

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Have you looked at George's drivers? They're very good quality & can handle LEDs in series but not sure of there's one that will give you 1400ma.

I don't think a SOB is safe to run more than 2 LEDs in series. Not sure if even two are safe unless maybe if their vf are really low.

Wayne's driver are not expensive. Compared to the cheap China mades then yes. But one can not compare them to each other. Wayne's drivers are of the upmost quality. I'd take one of Wayne's drivers or George's drivers over the cheap China ones anyday without hesitation. With drivers, you get what you pay for.
Have you looked at George's drivers? They're very good quality & can handle LEDs in series but not sure of there's one that will give you 1400ma.

+1.I was going to recommend Wayne as well,but I think that the N-Flex max out is 1000mA.He might be able to work something out though.

Edit:Went and checked,and the nFlex and bFlex are 1000mA.

I don't think a SOB is safe to run more than 2 LEDs in series. Not sure if even two are safe unless maybe if their vf are really low.

That's good to know.I jumped the gun without without running through all the spec's,and I was thinking Vf at 1000mA instead of Vf at 1400mA:green:.

Edit:Shouldn't the SOB work with a single MC-E wired 2S2P?

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As a test a few months back I wired 3 Cree Q5's in series and powered them off an SOB 1000. It ran for a few minutes then the board let out some magic smoke and died.

I don't think the SOB is designed for multiple emitter setups. Ask Wayne in the Sandwich Shoppe forum to be sure though.

Resurrecting an old thread, since I've been recently looking into driving an MC-E with various 0.55" boards, including the SOB.

Three Cree Q5 emitters in series and driven by an SOB 1000 means approximately 3 * 3.7V = 11.1V drop and 1000ma of current. Thus, you are expecting that little 0.55" board to put out about 11 watts of power. No wonder it burned up.

It isn't a problem with driving multiple emitters per se. You just tried to push too much power through the LEDs. If you ran an SOB 400, you'd be pushing more like 3 * 3.3V * 400ma, or about 4W, and there is a much better chance that the SOB would have lived.

If you wired two SOB 400 boards in parallel to drive the three Crees, that probably would also have worked.
It was just an experiment. Now we all know the SOB1000 doesn't drive multiple Cree's.

I've been known to blow a lot of IC's. :green: