I need a new kind of Cree light


Jul 26, 2006
Longueuil, Québec
It seems to me that almost every manufacturer, using the Cree or the Seoul in their lights, adopts the same maximum lumen philosophy. I think this is unfortunate.

The Cree has two main qualities, high output and high efficiency. I would like to see at least one manufacturer make a light that would take better advantage of the later.

Basically what I would like to see is a Cree light running on one alkaline or NiMh AAA cell
Clickie - Tail stand capable - GID button and glow ring,
Hard anodized finish or Ti plated
Efficient electronics (no PWM)
Regulated output at Low (3-4 lm), medium (10-12 lm), high (30-40 lm) - underlined is preferred setting
Orange peel reflector (30 35 degree)
Hotspot and spill blending nicely together
Water resistant or better waterproof to 12-15 feet.

This light would cover more than 95% of situations when I need a flashlight (good enough for me) and would be a perfect EDC. No light, no matter how good or sophisticated it is, will ever cover 100% of someone needs.

Would anybody else be interested in a light like this?

Of course this is not a toy and you will not impress your buddies with it but sometimes you just feel like a little maturity would not hurt and a good efficient working tool is all you need.
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I like your concept but I can't imagine a clickie on a AAA light. That would seem to be a very small clickie.

Closest Light I can think of would be the LOD CE.....which I plan to get soon.
sounds pretty good...but i don't see the need for a clickie on such a small light either... seems like one more thing to go wrong.

i've never really understood the need for a tailstand either... i keep my arc aaa on a simple 550 cord lanyard and if i need to tailstand it i wrap the lanyard around the end and it stands up fine.

one thing i can't stand is multiple levels that all seem the same... i love multi-levels, and i like your idea for the low being around 3 lumens for super long runtime.

i don't have one yet, but i think millermods' new arc cree mod is just about perfect.
But they are available already, multi level lights from Fenix/JETBeam/etc already have multi levels.

Their low levels do take advantage of this effeciency as u said, with the added option of high when needed. Good one would be the Fenix L0D, but twisty tho, or just wait for RexLight or LiteFlux stuff.
What about the L1D-CE? Has most of what you're looking for and for under $50 with the coupon at FS:

multiple levels

I just bought 2 as gifts for the inlaws. Thinking maybe I should have bought 3.
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Albeit a clickie would have to be small on a AAA light, I think it can be done fairly easily. The point is, clickies are much easier to use than twisties especially if you want to operate the light with one hand only.

carlsjrman said:
sounds pretty good...but i don't see the need for a clickie on such a small light either... seems like one more thing to go wrong.
carlsjrman said:

i've never really understood the need for a tailstand either... i keep my arc aaa on a simple 550 cord lanyard and if i need to tailstand it i wrap the lanyard around the end and it stands up fine.

May be you are right about tailstanding. I find it to be a useful feature on AAs and larger lights but on a AAA it probably would not be very stable by itself and would require additional bracing.

x2x3x2 said:
But they are available already, multi level lights from Fenix/JETBeam/etc already have multi levels.
x2x3x2 said:

Their low levels do take advantage of this effeciency as u said, with the added option of high when needed. Good one would be the Fenix L0D, but twisty tho, or just wait for RexLight or LiteFlux stuff.

I know AA multi level lights are becoming more common these days and I expect this to be a standard feature in the near future but it is not that common yet in AAA format.

My point in starting this thread was to raise interest to a market segment that is completely unexplored: efficient multi levels lights in AAA format with low to mid power capacity, mostly flood and long battery life.

I don't have anything against strong throw but if I need it, I likely wouldn't be looking for it in the AAA format.

schwim said:
What about the L1D-CE? Has most of what you're looking for and for under $50 with the coupon at FS:
schwim said:



multiple levels


What you are proposing is AA format which I find too large for EDC or too large for a key ring light anyway.

fireboltr said:
I would only want/need 2 lvls. Bright and Vaporize!!!
fireboltr said:

but a good idea none the less

I am convinced that you will find what you want very easily.


I would love a light like you describe, but with AA instead of AAA batteries - to provide almost 3x the power capacity, with very little increase in physical size.
I would actually prefer a "twistie" instead of a clickie, much simpler and more reliable mechanism.

So... basically a CMG Infinity type light, but with a CREE emitter and multiple brightness settings. I would buy 10 of them the SECOND someone introduced it.

Best wishes,
carlsjrman said:
sounds pretty good...but i don't see the need for a clickie on such a small light either... seems like one more thing to go wrong.
Atomic_Chicken said:

I would love a light like you describe, but with AA instead of AAA batteries - to provide almost 3x the power capacity, with very little increase in physical size.
I would actually prefer a "twistie" instead of a clickie, much simpler and more reliable mechanism.
I have never had a clickie fail, but as for twisties I think the Fenix P1 is one of the most unreliable lights ever.
No clicky but it does tailstand. Three stages. Adjustable brightness for the second setting. Burst mode is over 100 lumens.

AAA barell available for AAA sized Li-Ion.

I don't like to say I have a favorite torch but I'll say this is one of the finest, most useable torches I've ever held.

This is modamag's photo:


This is FrenchyLed's photo:




This is Newbie's photo:

This is frisco's photo:
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I think you want a HDS that runs on AAs. They do everything you asked for except that and their switch doesn't glow...

Mine is programmed about like you wanted, but has a 65 lumen burst in addition to your levels.
It is going to get a Seoul P4 in a few days to make it even better:D

If you use Li-ions the cost of batteries is no issue at all..

Icebreak, very nice pictures. Striking!
So you say this light can actually runs on a AAA cell.

NoFair, no doubt the HDS is a very good light. This can also be said of a lot of other lights using AA, CR2 and CR123 cells but they are all too wide as EDC for my taste.

I'm specifically discussing the AAA format.

The LiteFlux AAA would look promising but I am afraid they will follow the easy (or usual) path and go for maximum throw and lumens instead of working on run time, efficiency and usability. The JetBeam seems also interesting; I would like to know more about it. When will a Cree version be available?

A low of 4-5 lumems allows you to read a map a book or a menu, find the key hole in the dark parking, light your way at the theater without disturbing everybody, etc.

Medium at 12 lumens is enough to take a walk on an uneven path without fear of breaking your leg. It is also enough to hunt the lawn at night for fishing worms or work on the electric panel, or check on what the cat is doing in the garage. Well, you get the picture...

On high, at 30-40 lm, I want to see whatever is going on in the backyard and further. In a AAA light I don't need more; I don't like when the light gets hot.

I'll say it again: one light (no matter how good or sofisticated) will never do it all . When I'll need more light or more throw I will pick something bigger than a AAA light, no sweat.
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Love those Draco photos. Re tailstand: the L0D/CE/P tailstands ok. The feature is handy but not critical in my opinion. There's usually a way to improvise it. For example, with my Arc AAA on my keyring, I could plop the keyring itself down on a table with the Arc nestled between the keys so it wouldn't fall over, or just stand it up in a coffee cup.

PWM is less efficient than reduced current but I presume you don't need ridiculously long runtime anyway.

I agree about a clickie not making that much sense in a tiny AAA light.

Overall the L0D CE seems to do just about everything asked for. It has a tail stand and a nice beam. It has no clickie but you can operate it one-handed pretty easily. Its PWM is slightly annoying but more because of its strobe effect rather than because of efficiency issues. Its runtime in low mode supposedly exceeds an Arc AAA, which lasts plenty long enough for most purposes. Its brightness is probably comparable to a new Arc AAA and is definitely way brighter than the older Arc version (what I have). I don't know if the L0D's water resistance is that great though, and I'm not about to find out the hard way on purpose.
I like your proposal Calina. Wouldn't mind a high like the L0Dce, but definitely prefer a lower low. If we can wait long enough it just might happen.

Icebreak said:
Calina -

Yes AAA Li-Ion barrel option.

The photos are not mine. I've edited to include the photographers I remembered off the top of my head. When I have time I'll edit in the others.

The Draco misses one of your parameters. It is way too bright on the brightest or "burst" setting.

Perfectionist -

Here you go.

Draco Reservation List

Introduction of the Draco by modamag

This is certainly a beautiful light; unfortunately it is also more expensive than I would like it to be.
This is not to say, it is not worth the price...
Calina said:
NoFair, no doubt the HDS is a very good light. This can also be said of a lot of other lights using AA, CR2 and CR123 cells but they are all too wide as EDC for my taste.

A low of 4-5 lumems allows you to read a map a book or a menu, find the key hole in the dark parking, light your way at the theater without disturbing everybody, etc.
I think 3-4 lumens is actually too much for what you are describing. The HDS EDC Basic 42 levels are 0.3, 2, 10, 42 lumens. The 0.3L level is great for seeing your way around in very dark places where you don't want to disturb others or draw attention to yourself. the 2 lumen level is sometimes too bright for that purpose. I keep my HDS set to come on at 0.3 lumens.
Many of the Fenix AAA and clones have lows anywhere near that low. So, if you find a light that you can set VERY low, you will have something that can run for days at that level on a AAA.
The best light for walking around the dark without disturbing others is a 5mm RED led, not any kind of white light. I have a red-led Fauxton on my keys for that purpose.

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