I need some ideas...


Newly Enlightened
Mar 16, 2005
New York, NY
Hey everybody, new to the site so I apologize if this is in the wrong section or whatever. Anyway, my family has a boat thats pretty pimp. We like to make it very unique and customize it. So far we have blue LEDs throughout the boat, in the cupholders, so water glows blue at night, LEDs on trailer shining all over the boat, etc...

Anyway, I really wan't the boat to be special. But I'm no pro when it comes to this LED and Lazer and Flashlight stuff, and figured you guys are. So I thought it'd be cool if you guys could help give me some really cool original ideas to make this the most special boat on the lake!

Here are two links to it. You can see some of the stuff done so far, but I'm all ears for new ideas regarding lazers, lights, etc...


Thanks in advance...
Welcome to CPF AbunDiga909 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink2.gif

Nice boat.

I don't know much about decorating with led's, but I definately think you should have a nice spotlight or two. Stay a while and check out the Spotlight/lantern/HID forum.

For another idea, how about lighting underwater somehow at night? Water resistant lighting you could lower off the stern and over the sides. Just a thought.

Greg, thats a pretty interesting idea, lighting the water at night. That's the kind of thinking I was looking for, thanks! I'd have to look into that. I know there are some submersible LEDs, but do you think they could take the pressure of 45 MPH of rough water beating down on them every now and then? Also, the idea of drilling below the waterline makes me a little nervous. But again, I'll keep that idea in the back of my mind...
For sure mounting a thor off the back pointing into the water would look awsome. It would give the boat a nice little 'light tail' You might also want to consider green lasers pointing into the water, but there you might have some legal issues /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif
... yes, you could be prosecuted for temporarily blinding the fish.

Welcome to CPF, Abun!

Thesurefire's Thor idea is pretty cool. If you can rig up a swiveling mount on a short post or something, you can swing it around as a searchlight as well.

Cool boat... looks quick too.
AbunDiga909 said:
I know there are some submersible LEDs, but do you think they could take the pressure of 45 MPH of rough water beating down on them every now and then? Also, the idea of drilling below the waterline makes me a little nervous. But again, I'll keep that idea in the back of my mind...

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I'd use lights that could be lowered overboard when you're not moving. Anything else would disturb the lines of the boat.

However if the boat puts up a big wake just before coming up on plane here's an idea.
Mount two bright colored lights under the platform at the back using temporary fixtures. They should shine into the wake.
I was going on a night dive in Baja one spring and just before the boat came up I glanced back. The wake was a solid green from the Phytoplankton with occasional "explosions" of much brighter light.
I throttled down to keep it throwing a wake for the next ten minutes.
Yeah if you live near a Cabelas store, you could get yourself a Thor there for $65.

the Thor for $25, I dont know about that. but if it is $25 at costco, go there.

cheapo said:
the Thor for $25, I dont know about that. but if it is $25 at costco, go there.


[/ QUOTE ]

Bimmerboy is right, Thor's are 25 plus tax at any costco that has them in stock.

Small note: you will want to put duct tape around the 2 air intake aries so that splashs dont kill your light.

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