I only need these 2 lights


Newly Enlightened
Feb 13, 2006
The practical EDC - Nitecore D10 GDP

- Replaced my Lightflux LF2 after the switch died
- Piston drive has to be more reliable than a twisty switch
- 2 lumens low maintains night vision
- infinite levels of adjustable brightness provides the right level for any situation
- 130 lumen high is bright enough if necessary
- Golden Dragon LED has a very useable beam - broad hot spot and smooth spill beam - no rings
- long AA runtime under typical 2 lumens use means I don't need to worry about recharging it
- combined, the piston drive and long runtime provide peace of mind that it'll work when I need it to
- runs on safe NiMh batteries or easily-available alkaline AAs in a pinch
- only way it could be better is if they made an AAA version...

The flashaholic toy - Tiablo A9 Q5 with aspheric lens

- Throws like crazy! 5x the flux of my original thrower, the first Lumapower MRV (Q2?).
- There's no tree within visible range of the front porch that I can't light up with this mini spotlight/light saber, even on low...
- Provides all the excitement and dazzle that the EDC doesn't

Between these two lights, I can't think of any other lights I really want. I have a Cree Q5 headlamp that I don't really use, a Tri-Lux Mag that isn't much brighter than my AA D10 anymore, and I don't want to deal with hotwires and replacing bulbs, that aren't really much brighter than the current generation of LEDs.

Could it be? Am I done with this flashlight hobby?

Nah, there's always something to drool over. Such as higher CRI LEDs and ever-increasing brightness bins. Maybe they will make a small light with a focusable beam and adjustable brightness that would act as these two lights in one... Cheers!
dont start getting into high CRI, Cree Q3 5a tints, really dont, they suck, cos they make you want to change ALL your lights to Q3 5As, and then you spend a butt load more money, and the light you thought you were happy with tint wise, is suddenly a very cool blue..

...Between these two lights, I can't think of any other lights I really want.

There seems to be a conflict with your thread title, is it NEED or WANT?:whistle:

That's a big difference, especially here. :naughty:
Could it be? Am I done with this flashlight hobby?

Two flashlights does not a hobby make.

I think it's the constant fascination and thrill of the hunt that makes it a hobby. Whether buying, building or modding, we get get familiar with one and are ready to find the next. Whittling ain't a hobby; tracking down and lusting after the newest, sharpest, shiniest whittling knife [or whatever they call it] is a hobby.

(This is the point of view of an admitted typical gear-head.)

But if you're just gonna use the lights to light stuff up so you can see it (or annoy it) then yeah, you're probably done with it as a hobby.
You think you only need two lights, and you've only had 38 posts in three years?! S'wrong wit'choo? :twak:

If you like the Nitecore interface, give JetBeam's IBS system a try. It's essentially the same brightness ramp as the Nitecore, except it adds three modes that work like station memories on a car radio - if you find a setting you like, just keep it as a mode. Now you can instantly blip from one favorite setting to the next. http://www.bugoutgearusa.com/jefl.html

And if it's insane throw you're into, check out DEFT - you'll need trees a half mile away to truly test it.. http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=211350
What you are missing, my friend, is a headlamp. I suggest a small, lightweight with a low setting that is so low it won't disturb your night vision. Doesn't have to be powerful or throw far - it is for close proximity task.

I may suggest a zebralight (surprise) or one of the nice, small models from princeton tec or another reputable brand. A cheap 3*AAA nobrand headlamp will also do the trick.
I can't think of any other lights I really want.... Cheers!

Bah! Humbug! Don't be a fibber, you want other lights. :poke: Don't tell me a McGizmo or a Aeon/Draco/etc type light has never interested you. I don't think anyone could deny the urge to own one of those things, flashaholism or not!
Ok, as far as EDC, you're absolutely right, I EDC mine and have a Q5 for my bedside! Your Tiablo is a sniper rifle. May I suggest the analog of a shotgun, in my case I use a Dereelight DBS MC-E. If you use 18650 batteries for your Tiablo, two 18650's will fire this (or many other MC-E's) up and not only will you light things up at about 300'-400' (you've got your Tiablo for throw), it lights up everything in between too! That's power, as Tim Allen used to say.
Funny, some people don't read. I do have a headlamp - a modified Princeton Tec EOS with a Q5 Cree and Khatod reflector. I found my D10 GDP in a headband to be better than it.

If that doesn't count to qualify my "hobby credentials". I also built a Tri-Luxeon Maglite. Fatboy driver, potentiometer for infinitely adjustable levels, etc. I've wielded a soldering iron on this and many other electronics projects, so puh-leeze. Heck, 8 years ago I soldered together a Luxeon and an aluminum hobby box.

Yes, the DEFT is pretty cool, but the Tiablo A9 form factor is a bit more convenient, and with the aspheric the lux isn't too far off - it's been called a mini-DEFT.
You have an EDC .... the D10
You have a thrower ..... the Tiablo

How about a "wall of light" .... a P7 or MC-E based light
You build a multi-emitter light before, so a P7/MC-E Mag
is a piece of cake :thumbsup:
From the very old Steve Martain movie The Jerk.
All I need is this yellow thermos .

My guess is that most here do not purchase lights based solely on needs.
For years I got by with a 2AA MinMag,a 3D and 5C Mag and a couple of 30 to 50 watt rechargable spots. Now I have those a 2AA LED Mini,couple of LightStar 220s,ET P10A,a T60 Tactical,C&D Mags converted to LED and my wish list keeps getting longer and longer.
How about a "wall of light" .... a P7 or MC-E based light
You build a multi-emitter light before, so a P7/MC-E Mag
is a piece of cake :thumbsup:

Hmm... :thinking: But that's only good for 700-900 lumens. I figure I need something in the 1300 lumen range to be significantly brighter than my D10 on high. Brightness perception is logarithmic so you need 10x the lumens to achieve double the perceived brightness.

Problem is, 10x the D10 which is 130 lumens = 1300 lumens, which requires something in the $500+ range. Wolf Eyes Superstorm, or custom Ellie2 host with quad P7s. Believe me, I've been tempted. Maybe the upcoming Eagletac Megalight will be it. But for all practical purposes the D10 is bright enough, and much better value.

Cheers :)
Bah! Humbug! Don't be a fibber, you want other lights. :poke: Don't tell me a McGizmo or a Aeon/Draco/etc type light has never interested you. I don't think anyone could deny the urge to own one of those things, flashaholism or not!

Actually, I've hung out with Modamag and the crew, handled a diamond-plated McGizmo, played with Modamag's titanium Draco and Drake... They're neat, but not that much neater than my D10 GDP, with some significant downsides in addition to their price.

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