I receive this week my Dosun R1 from the US


Newly Enlightened
Aug 20, 2009

A well knowm US webshop last month made a promotion (50% off) for selling some flashlights.
So i bought 2 dosun R1 and receive it this week in France.

I already own a Dosun R1, i buy these 2 more for birthday gift or christmas gift to my brothers in law.

These flashlight is from far not the brightest one, some of my Fenix or my MG L-Mini II have produce many more light.
But this flashlight is IMHO really well made, when you touch it you can feel the build quality. On the other side this is a rather big and heavy model.

The packaging is very well mad with a travel pouch pouch nicely designed and inside a well done belt carry case.
This is with the quality made an added reason to offer it as a gift, it really dosen't feel like a cheap tool ! :thumbsup:

Here are some photos from the packaging:

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And now photos from mine already in use in home.

(sorry if i not use the right word:term)
Near the head you have the ring selector , by rotating it you can change the mode

The ring is very easy to use, and the printed symbol are easily understandable

IMHO there is a little too many position, between 2 near sometime the differences in result is very subtile.

Here you have the push button to light on or off the flashlight

it is engraved with the Dosun logo

The head lamp

You can see the Led protected behind an heavy glass

and a very poour lume shot

(then my ricoh R8 came out of battery so this will be the end :wave:)