I remember... "the good old days" of CPF


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
A friend of mine got me reminiscing about what CPF was like 5 years ago, when I joined. I feel pretty comfortable in saying I'm no longer one of the newest members of CPF, but I recognize I am still not one of the oldest members of CPF. Even still, it also seems appropriate to remember some things about CPF when I first joined.

I would like to invite all other members to join me in reminiscing about the "good old days," especially in things that no longer hold true today. Let's not get into flashlight politics, and let's not make veiled insults at each other.

I remember when LEDs were still in their infancy, when incans still reigned supreme and power LEDs were simply durable alternatives to the warmer, higher output hotwire. Back then you didn't really get any more peak runtime, just a longer tail of decreasing light.

I remember when not all lights had a converter board in them. So many were simply dumb circuits of lamp, tube, battery, switch.

I remember when nearly all lights had only one mode. Two modes was golden. More? Preposterous.

I remember when clickies weren't so popular (or common). When they were looked down upon as the twisty's less reliable, less preferable cousin.

I remember when the Nichia CS was the big thing. How could Nichia have doubled the output without any downsides?!

I remember when you either had an Arc-AAA on your keys, or a Photon II. That subject was all the rage -- which do I get? There really wasn't any other option, unless you wanted an E1e on your keys instead.

I remember when Peak was an ugly Arc clone. They've certainly made great strides today, and oh how Arc has fallen.

I remember the Luxeon lottery. You'd buy an expensive light and cross your fingers that when it arrived it wouldn't be pee green (think nuclear cat ****), an unpleasant shade of purple, or some angry blue tint. Most of the complaints you get with today's tints... well, if you'd were playing the Luxeon lottery you'd have been pretty satisfied. (I won!!!)

I remember "Cree rings". Since the Cree XR-E didn't have quite the same beam distribution, and all LED reflectors were for Luxeons, it resulted in weird dark spots or ringed beams.

I remember when HDS wasn't every other recommendation. I remember that if you liked HDS, you were a little weird, because you were the only one on the forums who had to input morse code into your flashlight to turn it on. (Exaggeration!!)

I remember when we considered budget lights to be an Arc-AAA, a Surefire G2, or a Fenix L1P. And maybe a couple of Inovas.

I remember when my first Fenix (an L1P) arrived, forever changing the scenery of CPF. Did they revolutionize CPF? Or are they simply symbolic of the change in the flashlight industry that shaped how things are today? If not for Fenix, it certainly would have been someone else...
I remember one of the very first topics I saw when I joined up.

Someone selling Maglite Solitaires modded with a bright, about 10 lumens, LED. You could pick which color Solitaire you wanted.

And the PayPal orders just flooded in!

I think I arrived at the tail end of the modded Solitaire popularity.
I remember when HDS wasn't every other recommendation. I remember that if you liked HDS, you were a little weird, because you were the only one on the forums who had to input morse code into your flashlight to turn it on. (Exaggeration!!)
I got nuffin' for this topic, obviously.:eek: But I wanted to highlight this. That's kinda the impression I get attempting to sift through the instruction manuals, quick reference cards and FAQs. :D I wanted to buy a nice high quality pocket light as a Christmas gift but somehow I don't think 'normal people' would appreciate the complexity of an HDS EDC..
I remember when high powered Incan mag mods were all the rage, correct me if im wrong but they aint so hot anymore

Hi Carrot ,

I remember those days and nights , 4 & 1/2 years ago ........

Back then , any time , day or night , the Incandescent Flashlights Forum would have 100+ viewers while the LED Flashlights Forum would only have 8 or so viewers . For the last 2~3 years those viewing numbers have been exactly reversed . Now LED forums get top viewing . This General Flashlight Discussion Forum was always somewhere about in the middle . (so not as many are going to see this thread)

I also remember , a month after I joined , I posted this thread ...... (which I linked to)

" Why can't miniature electronic multi-level switches be used in our lights ?"

You responded to my questions in post #4 . You did not seem to be in agreement with my position of wanting advancement to electronic circuits in lights .

My request for electronics did not seem to be received well at all . I got negative comments right away . I was also new and must have been perceived with an attitude , due to my comments . The thread quickly turned into an argument and got shut down . I was just trying to get some variable light levels added to our lights , but not strobe or SOS . I continued my quest in other threads from time to time . Eventually the changes I wanted came to the market .

I'm so glad that electronics finally gave us versatility and user programing , making one light have many uses . I think it woke up the flashlight industry , adding more fun , more jobs and more opportunity . It's so nice to have more choices than Ray-O-Vac , Mag Lite and PR2 bulbs .

So I'm curious ..... how does everyone feel about electronics , LED's and programmable circuits in their lights ... NOW ?

They seem mostly reliable to me , as long as they're designed well . The new lights provide smooth beams , variable light and tints , and the bulbs don't blow out when you drop it - leaving you in the dark !

And ALL this improvement has happened in just 4 & 1/2 years . I'm glad I got to see it ! I had to use crummy weak yellow lights during my working years in communications and data transmission .

My first LED light was a 7" shirt pocket pencil light ... Stylus 3 by Streamlight with one 5mm LED using 4 AAAA cells . Before that was C&D-Cell MagLights and MiniMags . (incandescent)

The future is BRIGHT ! .... and electronics control EVERYTHING !

till the EMP comes ...... then back to real torches
Wow...being new to this whole flashlight thing...I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want the option of having multiple levels.

Carrot..what were you thinking? :p

I'm saying single stage lights are good but having the option of multiple levels is also good.
Just imagine what we'll be discussing in 5 years.....

"New AW Li-Air 10340 4500 mAh tested"

"When is the new SureFire LX-1 due to arrive??"

"How do I program my neural implant ZebraLight headlight?"

"DX screwed up my order; for the 57th time...."

"Can I upgrade my FenFireHD w/ new Cree XX emitter at 12 A or just upgrade the driver?"

"My new HurtFire F507 flickers and has battery rattle, anyone help???"

"Insane bi-pin plasma M@G mod, 1Mlumen tire burner [PIC HEAVY]"
I remember when the first Fenix lights came out and the forum went nuts :crackup:

I had bought a surefire E2e and thought it was the coolest light ever until I got a Fenix P1 "pocket rocket" (rated at 35-40 lumens i think). And then I had bought a surefire M6 :faint:

I remember scouring ebay for an Arc LS, which was the holy grail here.

I think back to my older lights and feel pretty satisfied with my 100 lumen lights. It is fun walking out into the dark woods and wandering around with pockets full of lights :D
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I remember crossing the 100 lumen mark with an LED and thinking about how I never real need another flashlight.

I remember having 20 mintue runtimes in Surefire incans and thinking that LED's could never, NEVER put out that much light.

But compared to a lot of you guys, I'm totally still a newb.
Just imagine what we'll be discussing in 5 years.....

...."When is the new SureFire LX-1 due to arrive??".....

I haven't been around that long but I have to say that one made me laugh. I'm also supprised at how quickly jellydonut got flashaholic status. And to TooManyGismos, you did seem like a newbie with an attitude in that link:nana:.
Wow...being new to this whole flashlight thing...I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want the option of having multiple levels.

Carrot..what were you thinking? :p

I'm saying single stage lights are good but having the option of multiple levels is also good.
Well I still don't like complicated electronic wisdom in my flashlights, so there! My favorite flashlight is still the same it was 4 years ago, with two modes actuated by a piston.
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I remember when putting together a relatively ordinary output lithium-ion powered incandecent configuration was a cross-your-fingers and hope the magnet doesn't slip and hope it will fire up this bulb without tripping the circuit situation.

I remember when AWs black label cells with the high current thresholds changed the entire incan world.

I remember when the DSD was the standard.

I remember when I was the guy asking the questions, trying to make sense of it all. I remember when CPF member Paul_In_Maryland held my hand through the tough steps of getting the toes in the lithium water.

I remember the good ole days of excitement, full of cheap thrill flashlights, most of which are in a junk bin. A few gems I still use to this day.

Anyone remember the 3C LEDBeam? Too bad the switches were junk...


When I joined, CPF was more about modding. Today it's more about shopping. The lights are better today, but the hobby isn't.
Hey Carrot, thanks for this thread. I always find it interesting to see what has happened before I got here. One main thought I had after reading all the changes you listed is if that is what has happened in the last five...I can't imagine what advances are going to occur in the next five.
And I remember when CPF still was a tiny lil' forum. Finally a thread to show off with my join date. :nana: :knight:
Sandwich Shoppe was the king of converter boards

Lux I/III Ambers were amongst the first to break 100lumens (or was it 200?)

Fenix came on board and had one of the longest threads that I could remember

Nitecore was amongst the first to sell a Cree powered light

IMS SO17X, IMS20, IMS 27, NX05, Fraen LP all meant something and were the only optics management systems availible

There were at most 2 Surefire clone brands

Nuwai Q3s and other Nuwais were what you bought when you couldn't afford a Surefire LED light

Peter Gransee actually cared about us

Arc LS, Sandwich modded M@gs and Doug Speck Fire~flies were things you coveted (now, you can't even sell a Fire~fly for $50)

Li Ions were the new frontier

Bin codes were easy to remember and figure out
I remember ANXIOUSLY waiting for Dan to get his next review up on the FlashlightReviews website, to see how the new light ranked compared to others, and the subsequent CPF discussion.

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