I think I broke my 6P...help?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 19, 2008
Well, I got my first surefire about 2 months ago, got a P61 lamp for it as well, and well of course playing with it constantly killed the batteries, now about a month later when i finally went across town to get some new ones, it wont turn back on. And im wondering if the old batteries even died because it never started going dim like my maglites do, it just stopped working.

Nothing looks wrong with the lamps to me, and the batteries are fresh, I dunno what happened. I emailed surefire late friday but I'm assuming no one works there on the weekend.
have you tried 1. another set of new batteries 2. measure the continuity of the lamp. There isn't much to go wrong with a 6P, it's basically a aluminum cylinder.

Lamps can look perfectly fine and still broken in my experience.
Tha backside of incans...
It`s probably the P60 that died on you...

If you like the tint there should be some dropins with Q2 leds on the market nowadays that should resamble the incan tint very well....

Do a search on the forums and check out CPFMP for sales on these maybe...

It was most likely the LA(lamp assembly). I recently dropped my E2E to find it would not turn on. The bulb looked fine so I thought it was the tailcap... Learning the hard way I bought a brand new tailcap to find out it still did not work. Finally got a new LA and works like a charm.

Did you(or maybe someone else) drop it on accident?

Try a new p60 which you can find on the B/S/T forums for very cheap and see if that cures your bo-bo.
I'm thinking its the tailcap myself, I've dropped it once but it still worked after that, and that wouldn't explain BOTH lamp assemblies breaking.

Try using a paper clip or something metal to jump from the body to the battery to rule out the tailcap.
I've had several bulbs insta-flash from fresh batteries
okay, well used some toenail clippers to try jumping it, didnt work. Though previous to that I yanked the spring out of the tail cap...now i cant get it back in...Sigh.

I figure ill grab my electrical thing checker thats like 1200 bucks to check the continuity of the bulb tomorrow, and check the batteries. What should the bulb run at? zero im assuming will mean its broken.
Duno about P60 specifically but if it works resistance should be less than a couple hundred ohm, if it's broken will be infinite resistance.
IMHO using a wire or paperclip would be more reliable than a toenail clipper... but... if thats all you have then, OK.

-Check the tailcap for continuity with a multi-meter. If it conducts between the spring and spring plate it should be OK.

-Screw the tailcap onto the body all the way to the ON position. Remove the bezel and light module. Drop two NEW cells into the body and measure voltage from the battery + to the body tube inside wall. It should be around 6V.

If these check out OK then its most likely a bum module.
IMHO using a wire or paperclip would be more reliable than a toenail clipper... but... if thats all you have then, OK.

-Check the tailcap for continuity with a multi-meter. If it conducts between the spring and spring plate it should be OK.

-Screw the tailcap onto the body all the way to the ON position. Remove the bezel and light module. Drop two NEW cells into the body and measure voltage from the battery + to the body tube inside wall. It should be around 6V.

If these check out OK then its most likely a bum module.

thanks kramer, Ill do this in the morning when i get my multimeter out of the garage.

Anyone know how to press this spring back in? I think I could manage but i dunno how to seperate what it pressed into from the cap which is blocking my fingers...
Sounds like you broke the tailcap - give SF a call and they might send you a new one. They aren't very good at email.

Is the filament intact in the bulb?

Also, try some new batteries, what brand are the ones you got?

Not much else to go wrong with the 6p... you could always send it back to SF.
If the flashlight and lamp assembly are brand new and died during the first few sets of SF123A's then it is likely defective from production - I suggest you give SureFire a call.
The lamps should like well in excess of 25 hours runtime.

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