I want Guilt Free Lumens ! ! ! How ?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 8, 2007
So Im about to make my next big flashlight purchase. Im getting about 40 Cr123s, a Surefire g2 that I'll keep stock, as well as a 9P w/ a P91 and a P60L. In this setup I will have a long running (+6 hours) camp light as well as a 200+ lumens "firestarter" for certain purposes. However, I'd like to use the HOLA a lot more (and 3 Cr123s for 15-20 minutes of light aint gonna cut it), and so I need to go rechargeable.

What are my options, folks?

I was thinking 3 RC123s w/ a few 12 volt lamps from LF. Produces 11.1 volts at peak, right (3.7 x 3). So is that a good plan, or are there better?

Also, If I had to stick to primaries, is the LF HO-9L a better lamp then the p91? On the LF site, it says 380 lumens, so about 230 Surefire lumens right? (380 x .60), and about 30-40 minutes runtime (as opposed to 15-20 min).

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Go with the HO-9, or EO-9 off 2x17500. Else, bore your 9P for 18mm cells and go with 2x18500. A Dereelight 1SM-2 Q5 off either cell configuration will out throw both of the LF assemblies. See Beamshots: 1S vs. EO-9 vs. MN16 vs. MN21 for an approximation of 1SM-2 (use the 1S Q5 example) vs. EO-9 spill and throw.
I second that. Go with the HO-9 or EO-9 + 2X AW 17500 li-ion batteries. Or buy a Leef Body ( 2x18500 or 2x18650 ) so you can run the P91 on rechargeables. Not to mention that those LF lamps run brighter, whiter and for longer times on larger capacity cells. So there are more reasons to go with the LEEF setup...
Maybe a Surefire P91 lamp [edit: I see that Fanatic beat me to it], feeding on 2x 18650 or 2x Pila 168S/600S or similar. I don't know what the runtime is, but its dang bright, and you just throw in a couple of fresh rechargeables as needed.

You just screw together a couple of 6P bodies, or a 6P and 2x A19 extenders, or a 9P body and 1x A19 . . . whatever it takes to get 12P length.


Peace be with you.
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The Leef bodies are excellent! I just got my 2X18650 and it is really nice IMHO. If you want to keep the ability to run primaries though, I would reccommend a 2X18500 body. Both of these bodies/battery combinations will let you run 9V LAs, but the 2X18500 can run 3 primaries without the need for a dummy cell. Of course, your runtime will be less with the 18500 setup versus the 18650 setup.

On another note, you can buy a 1 cell extender for the 9P and run 2X17670 in it. That would probably be the cheapest option, and you could take the extender off to run primaries.

Hope this helps!:thumbsup:
9P w/LF EO-9 driven by 2 x 17500 for @ 250 lumens... bet you'll love it. Nothing wrong with the 18650/Leef options but it's just more expensive if that matters. 9P or G2/A19 with the above configuration is a good starting place. :wave:
easiest cheapest option would be the extender on the 9P and a pair of 17670s driving the lamp of your choice. (P91 OK).

A pair of 17500s will fit your stock 9P and drive pretty much any "9V" D26 lamp out there except for the P91.

A pair of 18650s is the best way to go to maximize available power. You can run the P91 on these for about 40 minutes. Or many other lamps out there for much longer.

To see nearly every configuration you could possibly go with, click the link in my sig line (the guide). If you have the time, read through the guide to get some of the important safety info about using Li-Ion cells out of the way. Try not to let it scare you, they are safer than I try to make them out to be often times. Below the guide is a compatibility chart with most of the common lamps and tactical flashlights out there. If you can conger up a 2x18650 LeefBody that would be your BEST route. It's a little bigger than a 9P, but gives you a lot of power. Here's an example form the compatibility chart:

Cell configuration: 2x18650

Bulb Options:
LF D26 ES-9: 7W, 117 - 77 lumen in 147 minutes
LF D26 SR-9: 10W, 163 - 110 lumen in 102 minutes
LF D26 HO-9: 12W, 219 - 145 lumen in 80 minutes
LF D26 EO-9: 15.5W, 280 - 188 lumen in 60 minutes
SF P90: 9.5W, 154 - 103 lumen in 104 minutes
SF P91: 20W, 360 - 215 lumen in 43 minutes
G&P G90: 9.5W, 154 - 103 lumen in 104 minutes
G&P D26 7.4V "DX 10W xenon": 10W, 158 - 105 lumen in 104 minutes (guess)
G&P D26 7.4V "DX 15W xenon": 11W, 179 - 119 lumen in 93 minutes (guess)
Pathfinder P90: 10.5W, 167 - 112 lumen in 94 minutes
WE D26 9V: 10.5W, 179 - 119 lumen in 93 minutes
Pila GL3 LA: 10.5W, 179 - 119 lumen in 93 minutes

Body Options:
Leefbody 2x18650 w/C tail and head, +SF compatible tail-cap/bezel. +++
Wolf-Eyes 6 series sniper (non-turbo) +ONE LRB-168 extender, + copper wire mod. ++(requires modification)


If you can afford to get a Pila ICB charger and some AW brand protected cells, you would be doing yourself a great service.
easiest cheapest option would be the extender on the 9P and a pair of 17670s driving the lamp of your choice. (P91 OK).

A pair of 17500s will fit your stock 9P and drive pretty much any "9V" D26 lamp out there except for the P91.

A pair of 18650s is the best way to go to maximize available power. You can run the P91 on these for about 40 minutes. Or many other lamps out there for much longer.

To see nearly every configuration you could possibly go with, click the link in my sig line (the guide). If you have the time, read through the guide to get some of the important safety info about using Li-Ion cells out of the way. Try not to let it scare you, they are safer than I try to make them out to be often times. Below the guide is a compatibility chart with most of the common lamps and tactical flashlights out there. If you can conger up a 2x18650 LeefBody that would be your BEST route. It's a little bigger than a 9P, but gives you a lot of power. Here's an example form the compatibility chart:

Cell configuration: 2x18650

Bulb Options:
LF D26 ES-9: 7W, 117 - 77 lumen in 147 minutes
LF D26 SR-9: 10W, 163 - 110 lumen in 102 minutes
LF D26 HO-9: 12W, 219 - 145 lumen in 80 minutes
LF D26 EO-9: 15.5W, 280 - 188 lumen in 60 minutes
SF P90: 9.5W, 154 - 103 lumen in 104 minutes
SF P91: 20W, 360 - 215 lumen in 43 minutes
G&P G90: 9.5W, 154 - 103 lumen in 104 minutes
G&P D26 7.4V "DX 10W xenon": 10W, 158 - 105 lumen in 104 minutes (guess)
G&P D26 7.4V "DX 15W xenon": 11W, 179 - 119 lumen in 93 minutes (guess)
Pathfinder P90: 10.5W, 167 - 112 lumen in 94 minutes
WE D26 9V: 10.5W, 179 - 119 lumen in 93 minutes
Pila GL3 LA: 10.5W, 179 - 119 lumen in 93 minutes

Body Options:
Leefbody 2x18650 w/C tail and head, +SF compatible tail-cap/bezel. +++
Wolf-Eyes 6 series sniper (non-turbo) +ONE LRB-168 extender, + copper wire mod. ++(requires modification)


If you can afford to get a Pila ICB charger and some AW brand protected cells, you would be doing yourself a great service.

How long will the Malkoff M-60 run on two 18650's?

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