I've been using Nimh rechargables, usually Eneloop AA and AAA, for at least fifteen years. I have plenty and run all my lights on them. I still own and use my first zebralight. (10 years old or more maybe?) I just recently bought another, not because I needed another, but I always wanted the headlight model.(But I have more headlights than I need too.) I'm partial to 2X AAA LED penlights and one or another is usually in my shirt pocket. (Waiting on a Reylight that should be here soon.) Maratac and Fenix single AAA lights are scattered about. (I even have a Fenix E99 ti model.) These small lights, the strongest powered by a single AA eneloop battery, have provided more light than I've ever needed. That said, I would like to get a 2x AA flashlight. I was looking at the Fenix E20 and the Foursevens Quark QK2A (The foursevens light isn't currently available.) I'll go up to about $100. Must run on Nimh AA batteries. Like the title says, if only Zebralight made a 2x AA light... reliability is more important than total output. At least three output levels, but I almost never use moonlight mode. I do like the great CRI of some of these newer LEDs. Strobes and stuff I can take or leave, no opinion either way. What other options should I be looking at?