Illuminatiti or Martac aaa, convince me what to buy!

Agent Iron

Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2009
Ok, I have the ITP's in the 3a and 1a and like them alot. The one thing they lack that I want in an edc is nice knurling. It appears the Illuminati and Martac versions have great knurling and so I am focused on them. I am open to other suggestions, but these two rank highly among those who use them. So my question is, is the Ti, in either version worth the extra loot compared to the Martac?

I don't care if it is stainless or Titanium. I actually prefer the bead blasted look of the Martac. I like the idea of a tailstand as well. Performance wise it does not appear there is a significant difference unless it is the Ti that is LMH.

I would love to hear opinions, and thanks a bunch!
The illuminati has CREE XPG R5, which is slightly brighter than the maratac (I think its got a Q5 or R2). What I don't like about the illuminati, is that the titanium threads are relatively stiff, makes it hard to use one handed. The illuminati is LMH, the maratac is MLH... depends on what you prefer.
So my question is, is the Ti, in either version worth the extra loot compared to the Martac?
NO, Ti in a flashlight is just bling, there is no actual benefit to the use of the material besides looking good, and making flashlights more expensive than they are...THERE I SAID IT. If you can afford it then by all means, but if youre on a budget got with SS or aluminum.
If I were to choose between the 2, I would edge slightly in favour of the IlluminaTi. Both are good lights.

What I like about the Maratac is the price, it's cheaper than the IlluminaTi and lighter weight because its Aluminium.

Twisting wise, I find them both similar. The Maratac may be easier to twist, because it's aluminium and has anodised thread however the IlluminaTi is fairly easy to twist too. I could turn mine with one hand.

Knurling - I find the IlluminaTi has better knurling than the Maratac. It feels less sharp and abrasive. The square flat knurling on the IlluminaTi is the best for keychain imho.

Output - I prefer L-M-H, rather than M-L-H, but that's really a matter of opinion i think and depends on your personal preference and usage.

Led emitter - The IlluminaTi has a perfectly centred emitter, whereas the Maratac can have a slightly offset emitter. The reason is that the IlluminaTi has a centering device similar to what the Quarks have. This basically makes it impossible to offset the Led emitter when it's installed.

Attachment point - both attachment point allow tailstand, which was one of the reason i purchased these lights too. But also their weakness too. If you look at the ITP versions, there is a nub with a hole in the center which makes it pretty solid. I don't really like the metal spring wire used as the attachment point for the Maratac, it's a bit wobbly, and doesn't feel very solid.

I think the IlluminaTi has a better design with the hole drilled into the body of the flashlight. However one big potential issue with the IlluminaTi attachment point is the thickness of the attachement point. It's very thin. It's no thicker than the human hair and my attachment point is showing signs of bending. It seems to be prevalent on most of the IlluminaTi, and appears to be part of the design. I think they should make the attachment point deeper, at least 3 mm deep would be minimum. This should strengthen the light alot.

The Maratac attachment therefore is currently better than the IlluminaTi, however it's possible for IlluminaTi to improve this in future batches.

Overall the IlluminaTi would be my preferred choice. I'm hoping for IlluminaTi to make changes to the attachment point, then I think it will be perfect.
I have the illuminati and it is great and in my opinion def better than the maratac. Better knurling, better emitter, great lobster claw chain, and the low medium high is awesome.

However, I've heard the itp is really great too and I'm not sure if you necessarily need another keychain light. I would take a good hard look at your lights and make sure there isnt another niche that you could better put 60 bucks into.

Lastly, you might consider waiting for the aluminum version of the illuminati that Matt has mentioned. It will be cheaper, easier to twist and I am confident, just as awesome as the titanium version.
Wow, thanks a bunch guys!

Haz, great breakdown indeed.

Sol-Leks, is there a general time frame for the Aluminium version? Will it have the same great knurling pattern? I wonder if it will come color options....

For me, I can put up with a little less brightness and a slightly offset lens....I could go either way I guess.

What concerned me most are the security of the light on a ring, and knurling.

My A1 EOS is an amazing light for the money, and the attachment point and claw are well made. I doubt I would lose the light. I just with it had knurling that was more grippy, and I wish it could tail stand.

There is also an inexpensive Illuminati available in a mlh but has less lumen output. It is only 35 percent more then the Martac, but to me there is not a upside.

Right now if I had both the superior IlluminatiTi with brighter light and lmh sequence, and the Martac on the table, I would likely choose the Ti, but if for a couple bucks more I could get two martacs for the price of the Ti, I think I have to go Ti, especially with a better, albeit not great attachment point.

I am still open to be convinced, or for further different suggestions.

Thanks so much!
Aluminum conducts heat much better than titanium. This is a factor for heat dissipation.

I have a Maratac in Al, and it has amazingly good metal, both machining and finishing. Especially good for the relatively low price. Consider also the relative risk of loss - a light this tiny (I have several Fenix LOD types) seems to always be left in some pocket, slip down in the seat cushion, or hidden by the magazine put on top of it, etc.

My two year old Fenix LOD CE has run through the wash at least three times, been misplaced for days about a dozen times, and I think I have ordered two lights to replace it, whereupon I find the thing down in a crevice beside the mounting rail of my car seat or somesuch.

My old red LOD has been a great light, still performs quite well (not quite so well as the Maratac), and although the red anodized finish is a bit worn, looks fine. My Maratac is just a few months old, but has been carried quite a bit, and the "natural" finish looks perfect. I believe it to be pretty durable.

So I say, go for two Al versions. I keep the spare in a known locations so I can always retrieve one.
I do not like how wobbly and loose the head of the maratac is. If the Illuminati is tighter, I would go with it, but it sounds like them both have issues.

I am going to stick with my boring, reliable Fenix LD01.
A drop of super glue will keep the keychain attachment secure on the Maratac. The hair-thin keychain attachment of the Illumnati, on the other hand, is not fixable. The mode sequence is very important. Choose the light that has the starting sequence you like. Everything else is secondary.
I do not like how wobbly and loose the head of the maratac is. If the Illuminati is tighter, I would go with it, but it sounds like them both have issues.

I am going to stick with my boring, reliable Fenix LD01.

The OP is asking for advice on the Maratac and the Illuminati, not the Fenix LD01.
No doubt.
I'd go for the Maratac. (In fact I've got 7 Maratacs, Al & SS)
The easy one hand operation is unbeatable and knurling is also grippier.
There are not too many real advantages on the illuminati (an XP-G with wider beam?)
Ti is not superior to Al or SS regarding heat dissipation. Surface easily scratches, threads are stiffy... Not to mention price! You can buy two Maratacs for the price of one Illuminati.

I can't speak much for the IlluminaTi since i don't own it but i own Maratac AAA.

The knurling is ok it's feel grippy. The output is decent, it's smooth and easy to twist the head to switch between mode and the price is reasonable. Bought mine at Marketplace.

But the Cons for Maratac are when you twist using one hand the clip is moving around and it's bug me. Also i tried to take out the clip and some how the attachment point was broke !!

So it can't be use as a key chain light and i tried to put simple modification. First i duct taped the body so the clip does not moving around when i twist the head using one hand and i put a lanyard on it's clip. For me it's feel much better. But if you're going to use this as a key chain light, i think there are better options out there.
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As the risk of repeating myself, a drop of glue keeps everything secure. It looks better too. If you end up buying the Maratac, don't worry about the keychain attachment breaking off or the clip moving. Just use a drop of glue to keep them in place like I did here. Also, there are pages and pages on the snap ring replacement if you choose to replace the stock keychain attachment. All you are required to do is read a little and use some creative thinking.
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i prefer everything about the Ill except the very rough threads (that i couldn't get to smooth out even with a lot of polishing), which makes it a toss-up for me.
A drop of super glue will keep the keychain attachment secure on the Maratac. The hair-thin keychain attachment of the Illumnati, on the other hand, is not fixable. The mode sequence is very important. Choose the light that has the starting sequence you like. Everything else is secondary.

The keychain attachment on the illuminati seems totally reliable to me.
Good thread and important decision.

I have both and really like both. (Thread of mine here discussing the two:

I chose the IlluminaTI for my keychain carry because I love the floody, powerful XP-G beam and I really like L-M-H. I think it is superior and for your EDC, even a small improvement is worth spending a bit more (I am in constant search of the "perfect" EDC keychain light!). So I agree with many that the IlluminaTi is the way to go for you!

p.s. Please don't scold me for going a touch off-topic, but to be thorough and to give perspective on my opinion I want to say that I used to be a Fenix LD01 man (SS model, still one of my all-time favorite lights!)...then used the Maratac AAA for a few months (amazing light in tiny package! I love it!)...then switched it to the IlluminaTi for a month or so which was the champ... but now have switched to the Quark MiNi 123 which is a barn burner in a super-tiny package! So, as I get and evaluate new keychain EDCs, I really do try to get some sense of which is "better" overall--a totally subjective thing, of course--but this is price independent since I already own them. In the past I have also carried my Modamag Drake (love it but really like a light that can use a primary cell in a pinch) and my Lummi Wee (one of my favorites as well!) and my Muyshondt Aeon (I like it but somehow it did not steal my heart like it has for so many others...)

I also have a Preon which I like a lot but did not make it as a rotator on my keys as it was larger than the IlluminaTi but with pretty much the same output (I now use it as a 2AAA light which I really like). Anyway, just want to put perspective on this and on my opinion. I am a lover of tiny lights!
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I want to replace my Arc-AAA with an Illuminati, but am holding out for the aluminum version. Haz's comment about the thin keyring attachment has me concerned. I passed on the Martac for similar reason. Wouldn't this spot (shown below) be even weaker if made from aluminum?

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I want to replace my Arc-AAA with an Illuminati, but am holding out for the aluminum version. Haz's comment about the thin keyring attachment has me concerned. I passed on the Martac for similar reason. Wouldn't this spot (shown below) be even weaker if made from aluminum?

Notice that the Nautilus and the Aeon both use brass split rings and I think that is a smart move.

I have the Illuminati, ITP A3 SS and the ITP A3 titanium. I chose the ITP over the Maratac because I think they have better quality control even tho they are made in the same factory and I can carry the ITP on a dog tag chain around my neck so it will hang straight down. I hold it under my chin for close work when I need both hands free. I don't tail stand my lights so I don't care about that and the MLH does not bother me either. The Illuminati is a nice light and very well made, again coming out of the same factory as the other two. It is a little brighter with more of a flood beam because of the XP-G R5 whereas the other two use the XP-E Q5 with a little more hot spot. I think the split ring hole on the Illuminati will hold up just fine because it is titanium and not aluminum.

If you must have LMH then the Illuminati fills that need very well. If I were to chose between the Illuminati and Maratac it would be the Illuminati hands down, it is a beautifully made light. The threads on mine are just fine after a short break in period with a clean and relube. :)
A very handy mod for the Maratac is a 1/2" ID snap ring for key ring carry.
.50 cents for 2 snap rings @ HomeDepot ... the best thing about it is, it will never come off unless you take it off!
AND ... it will spin in the slot, acting as a swivel.

Maybe this photo can help you choose.


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